Ramen Recipes

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • nameless0

    enobrev's ideas are famous... i will try them out next time i am poor. which should be tommorow.

    my favorite ways to eat cheap, taught by years of barely successfull freelanceing...

    can of pintos can of green beans box of corn muffin mix. 2 meals, 1.30$

    .99c box of salteen crackers 1.40 can of salmon
    1 egg
    black eyed peas makes 4 meals, at about $2.50. plus leftover crackers.

    blackbeans, cumin, rice and canned corn. 1$ 2 meals.

    spag of course has to be in there.
    its a wash without the garlic salt though.

    generic mac and cheese at .40c a box

    drink water.

    get your beers at art shows as previously mentioned.

    buying a 15$ rice maker makes making rice easy.

    kroger sliced cheese is the cheapest pound for pound. (although its not exactly cheese.)

    raman sux but at least its only 15c a package.

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