iPod Hack?

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • chossy0

    the cool thing about my iriver id I can record from any device that has a mini jack / phono oout straight into my mp3 iriver I also get radio and I also get to record my voice via the funky built in mic this was particularily groovy as I can record talks I go to etc. anouther plus point of my iriver is that I can listen to wmas etc. aswell as mp3's and it only uses one aa batterie with a playback life twice that of an ipod, it's also solid state storage so it's not succeptable to the same problems as a hard disc therfore also is lighter than a m/f so I can thrash down a hill on my mountain bike and this bad boy won't break and it's light too :D

    just a couple of reasons why I bought an iriver and not an ipod.

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