Out of context: Reply #22

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  • PonyBoy0

    besides my fav movie of all time Blade Runner was based on his novel.

    (Jul 25 06, 11:11)

    Enter response:

    WOAH!!!!! Blade Runner is a-okay w/me too... I had no clue there was any inspiration pulled from it on this story... now I'm intrigued.

    As for rotoscoping - it's progmatic in a lot of ways (meaning the computer DOES fill in a ton of gaps... but it does require a lot of hand work: http://www.wired.com/wired/archi…)

    "Originally developed for Waking Life by MIT grad Bob Sabiston, the program was updated for Scanner: It has a few hundred thousand lines of new code and a couple of dozen new commands. It's proprietary and few people know how to use it."

    Here's the creator's website - I recall NT talking about this a few months ago... and as you can see - he's really willing to share the proprietary soft. created while at MIT:


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