Canon 350D

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • dan_dan_dan0

    For the most part, you're going to get the same image results from the 350D as you are from the 20D (and the 30D for that matter). It's the same sensor+image combination—the EOS 350D has a slightly smaller sensor (when I say slight, I mean slight) 22.2 x 14.8 mm CMOS sensor (350D) Vs. 22.5 x 15.0 mm CMOS sensor (20 & 30D). The major difference is the material used for the camera bodies (Plastic Vs. Magnesium Alloy) and actual performance enhancements (larger buffer and over all quicker processing). So. You're really looking at a difference in image quality when you jump from the 350D to the 5D. Image quality alone is mostly equivalent among the 350, 20 & 30D.

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