Was it worth it?

Out of context: Reply #39

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  • k0na_an0k0

    -Take a team of the best designers in the world but give them a shitty manager and project manager and nothing ever gets done. Great designers capable of great work, but poor management ruins the company.

    -Take any professional sports team and give them a shitty coach and a bad offensive play caller and they won't win a game.

    To blame the mismanaged war in Iraq on the soldiers is just plain dumb. Too few were sent over to begin with, and no plan to end the war was ever put in place.

    I would imagine the higher ups thought this war would be like Iraq circa 1992 and end in 3 days. Guerilla warfare takes guerilla tactics... not red tape and some asshat thousands of miles away behind a desk in Washington calling the shots.

    No one can honestly sit here and say Iraq would be better off with Sadaam still in power. No one. We just needed a better plan of attack and fall-back to make it all come together.

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