< coke - psyop

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • cafloppy0


    I sincerely apologize. It was presumptuous of me to suggest that you might have your head buried in sand when clearly its placed squarely up your ass.

    Where in my previous post did I suggest we boycott Coke (not an altogether easy feat given its strong-hold in restaurants, universities, workplaces, etc) or that we should ask Psyop to "donate all the money they've every (sic) made from anything 'coke' to one man's family in columbia?" And where did I say anything about how I "obviously think everyone that has anything to do with coke was in on it..."

    Through sheer inductive reasoning, you've drawn conspiratorial conclusions from my post and insinuated that I am pointing the finger at "all the artists." I've done no such thing. Though, there is evidence to suggest that your sticking your head up your own ass is not all that difficult given the lack of any perceivable brain.

    I merely pointed out the absurdity of a commercial entitled "Happiness Factory" that depicts a magical world where Coke bottles are so joyously manufactured. I know the real world is a downer.

    Or should we come to Newstoday without criticism? Or rather, should we reserve criticism for aesthetics alone and pretend Good Design and Bad Design exist in vacuums, absent of social consequences?

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