TFT/LCD monitors

Out of context: Reply #1

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  • Nairn0

    LCDs are crisper at the pixel level than CRTs, imo - I've never felt them to be more blurry as you say.

    The important difference is the colour-matching. LCDs tend to be much brighter/whiter/bluer (again, imo), which is significant with print work, but less so with web/digital.

    Everyone raves about the Apple monitors as well as LaCie's offerings, however, if you can't afford them, Dell's widescreen monitors *can* be good.

    My Dell 2005fpw had to be sent back three times before I got one that wasn't completely rubbish, but even so - it's not perfect.

    However, I just appear to have been unlucky - most other people seem happy with theirs.

    Dell's 24" widescreen doesn't appear to suffer from the problems of the 20"ers.

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