
Out of context: Reply #10

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  • exador10

    my last half-year at this one small agency downtown T.O...i think for a few months, it was about one allnighter every week...sometimes more...

    i suppose it's fun when you're younger, and there is a certain amount of paying-your-dues/badge of pride
    sorta thing...

    but as you get older, you realize that generally speaking, when it comes to all-nighters for work, it's because some fucker in sales promised WAY more than he should have to a client 'of course we can have the final file for you tomorrow at 9:am'
    or a sadistic AD or CD..has to have 12 dozen concepts from you in the morning, because he doens't have the talent himself to come up with one himself...

    after you start realizing that, the thrill of allnighters is long gone...


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