Kids today...

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • exador0 depends..

    i interviewed some folks about a year and a half ago here...and was pretty unimpressed with what i saw...
    totally uninspired, and crappy interviews...
    on the other hand, i've met a few folks since then that are fresh out of school, and have been blown away by the drive and skills they have..
    hell, look at one of Carty's partners...(can't think of his name)...really young guy, christ, he must be what, 19 or something..and he totally rocks..and is partners in the whole Lounge agency thing...
    couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
    so there ya go...there are definitely some guys n gals out there in the younger set that have wicked skills..
    its just a tad harder to find them at times..
    but they're out there...

    and yeah...

    most schools don't teach typography very well, and most graduates have a pretty limited understanding of how the real design world works..but hey...thats pretty much they way its always been...

    i'd love to be able to say i was a genius, and was rocking the design world from day one, but thatd be a lie..
    i busted my ass doing free stuff, until i got my first gig..and was fortunate enough to have a couple of senior designers and art-directors take my under their wing and teach me all the stuff i didn't know...

    at some point..we ALL need to do that for the next wave of designers...

    give a hand up..not a hand out...

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