London Bar Recommends?

Out of context: Reply #49

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  • Nairn0

    :) Aw, sweet - i'm glad you enjoyed it, that's a ray of sunshine for me in an otherwise comically disastrous weekend!

    Friday was doomed as soon as half of the people who were supposed to turn up, didn't. A girl from home, who the remainder of the group have a mutual dislike of, did turn up - and being the prissy champagne-snaffling pretentious perenially-proto- lawyer she is, didn't like the places we were going to, nor would bother to walk to some of the outer options in her heels, dragging her airport trolley/make up wagon.

    Then, the old friend we were meeting turned out to be exactly the same old friend we left at home many years ago - but, despite 'doing quite well for himself' seemed to think that we were all loaded and were Taking Him Out and kept going for Teh Most Expensive Cocktails. Despite having his g/f of 5 years with him, he spent all evening making really obscene jokes and just being a juvenile muppet, whilst she shied away, looked awkward all the time and proved incredibly difficult with to engage in any form of conversation.

    Then we went for an awful meal - end'o'night remnants, at a Moroccan restaurant, where one of the group - an Italian who's lived in Jamaica for 7 years (who i assumed would be a bit worldly) was very rude to the African waitress, which kind of set the pace and airs of the meal.

    After this I took everyone to Madame JoJo's, as i thought it'd be a gentle compromise for everyone, and took great pains to explain what kind of music it was etc. As Soon As we'd paid the entrance and walked down the stairs, I saw the two visitor's faces drop and we spent the next half hour in a chair-dancing/foot-tapping conversational void (it was a bit noisy) 'til it became painfully obvious we had to leave. He actually said to me (in a heavily accented Gibraltarian accent "Ey Jooin [ie. 'Ewen'] , man - I'd've preferred it if we'd got some E's and gone to listen to some Reggaeton".

    Deep down, I wanted to die. And maybe take him with me.

    So then I walked all the way home, in the rain - I could've got a taxi, but by this stage I was enjoying soaking up the catastrophe.

    Now my suede trainers and headphones I was wearing are utterly ruined.

    On Saturday, I went up to St. Albans for a friend's 30th, to one of those provincial out of town 'halls' which accomodate leisure facilities and cheesy dance nights, where upon we came across good ol' twatty bouncers who wouldn't let my friend in because of his trainers. At which point we turned-tail and came straight back on the last train to London.

    (this is my longest post ever, i think - thanks for letting me get all that off my chest.)

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