Out of context: Reply #11

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    ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, ColdFusion, JSP all do similar things. Usually you can convert any script from one to another (functionality wise). THe reason you would choose one from another may depend on what server you are running the site you are building or what language your developers or yourself know.

    You typically see ASP or ASP.NET running on a Windows Server using either a Access or SQL Server DB.

    PHP on Linux Server using MySQL or Postegre SQL DB

    But these are just typical scenarios, Windows can actually run PHP and Linux can run ASP, but not as likely.

    ASP can be used to generate more than just HTML files.
    For instance. If you were linking to a XML newsfeed, it's possible you might actually point to XML.asp and that page generates valid XML.

    THese languages are usually mixed with HTML and upon accessing them they run on the server and spit out plain old HTML & Javascript or XML or XHTML, Basically whatever the hell you want. You must know atleast one of these languages if you plan on building dynamic websites.

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