Gas. Did you know?

Out of context: Reply #49

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  • m|sane0

    The reason of it's cost right now has little to do with ethanol, but more to do with speculations in the market, fears of an Iranian attack, the trouble in Nigeria, the increase of fossil fuel use in China + India, and a host of other things.

    Everyone is so worried about Exxon giving 400 million as a seperation package, but ignoring the fact that we are peaking on oil supplies and we are just going to run into a whole other host of problems in a few years.

    That's the real worry, that we will never (as far as it looks now) have another fuel that gives a EROEI (energy return on energy invested) that oil does. It's is going to be a powered down future, hopefully with less waste, less geopolitical concern over fossil fuels (this is the best case scenario, the worst case is fairly grim.)

    If you really want to know why oil is priced as such and why we are pretty certain of peak can be address in Matthew Simmons book Twilight In The Desert.

    Also, check

    Ethanol is the least of our price worries.

    I'd gladly pay 6.00 a gallon to get Bush out of office, bring in a Jimmy Carter who has a friggin clue and has thought about a wise energy policy (not to mention foreign policy.).

    We have to ween ourselves off the teat of oil.

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