Last day pranks.

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • metallegwill0

    Try the "chicken milk bomb".

    1 Jug of milk, 3/4 full, preferablly somewhat tepid.
    Variety of raw chicken parts. Doesn't really matter. Parts is Parts.
    1 Roll of Duct tape
    15min or so "private time" in the target dwelling.
    1 Flathead (generally) screwdriver.
    24 hours or so where NO-ONE is to be in the target dwelling.

    1. Stuff chicken into milk jug.

    2. Wrap Duct tape from jug lid around the bottom, and over again. 4-5 times should be sufficient.

    3. Locate an easilly accessed heating vent, one may need to substitute a 2Liter instead of a milk jug depending on the size of the vent.

    4. Remove vent, stuff jug into duct work, replace vent.

    5. Jack the heat on the thermostat to about 90f and leave.

    Withing 24hours the target dwelling will have rotten chicken and milk exploded deep into it's ventilation system creating a lasting and nearly impossible to remove (lost of "nooks and crannies" for this stuff to get into in duct work, plus it runs like a 4y/olds nose) STENCH that will make no-one want to ever live there again. At least until a few months later when the stuff has completele rotted off.

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