Kids today

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • sireal0

    This, is always a hard one...
    You must RAISE your children, not school or worst TV. I when to school with kids who had killed people and where full on wack jobs! (in London no less)Yeah, i was friends with some these kids, My moms always kept me and brothers in check... I was more afraid of her than any of the rude boys.

    My mum and pops, made it VERY clear that they was our parents and not here to be our friends. Kids NEED rules and love, i know it starts at home... I'm the proud father of a little boy aged 16 mths and that if leave him to world we live in today, chances are that he will get lost... I must not live his life for him but get him to overstand with he can do anything set himself to... Love is great!

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