Dubai's taking over

Out of context: Reply #70

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  • Cactus0

    Please, indulge me, and "wax lyrical" about how wonderful it is living as a dhimmi under the benign rule of Muslim despots. I need a few laughs.

    "One of the earliest eyewitness accounts of the Jewish population in Modern Iran is provided by J. J. Benjamin who traveled through Iran in mid 19th century. According to him, the Persian Jews were required to live in a segregated part of the city, considered unclean, and forbidden to walk or trade in the Moslem areas. They were forbidden to trade in foodstuff or go out when it rains on account of their impurity. If a Persian Moslem killed a Jew, his punishment upon the testimony of two Moslems against him was a fine of 12 tomans, while lack of Moslem witnesses let the crime go unpunished. A jew who wishes to make a purchase in a store is forbidden to inspect the good and upon touching it is required to purchase it at any quoted price. And finally Benjamin tells us that a Persian Jew who dared to show himself outdoor during the days of Shi'ai religious mourning "is sure to be murdered."

    Yeah, those jews, always causing problems.

    If the diaspora was "good" for the Jews, it should nourish the "strength and intellectual vibrancy" of the Palestinian diaspora.

    But somehow, I don't think a crypto-jihadist like yourself would understand that.

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