Z4 by Joshua Davis

Out of context: Reply #107

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  • jevad0

    "mogo - rock on brother.

    a few thoughts...

    1. go read Ayn Rand - the fountainhead - there's this great moment when Ellsworth Touhey pulls Howard Roark aside after writting a horrible article about him. and he says... Roark tell me what you think of me and what I've done to you... and roark replies... "but I don't think of you"

    honestly comments whether good or bad - don't really matter to me. What I do have is a close net of peers and friends that I bounce ideas off of - but mostly I have an honest love and belief in the things I make - whether for myself or for clients - and when people do hire me this is what they get - passion.

    A few months back I sent over some sample artwork to TOOL and I phoned Adam, the guitarist and ask him what he thought -- he replied "what do you mean? why would you send me stuff you don't like ? why would you send me stuff that required my validation ? if you love it then we love it".

    and I realized that if I loved... I mean truly loved the work that I was doing... then that was all that mattered and it would show.

    after the fountain head... go read Napoleon Hill's "think and grow rich" the only true obstacles are the ones we place in front of ourselves - and if I stay positive and have faith in my work - then good things will happen.

    and then people on this board wonder why I get great jobs. and people on this board will sometimes complain and have negative comments about others and the work they create - why would anyone want to hire someone who complains about others ?

    in the fountainhead someone looks at Roark's work and says... who's going to let you build these types of buildings ? and Roark replies... "who's going to stop me?"

    I love what I do.
    I love my clients
    my clients love me.
    I love my family.
    I love my friends and peers.

    outside of that... this is all just talk.

    thanks for the continued comments.
    (Feb 22 06, 06:22)"

    Not to jump on your jock or anything Josh - but that was probably the most honest, inspirational and motivational thing I have read on here in about....a year.


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