Snacks at Work

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  • nocomply0

    We have a nice specialty coffee machine which makes lots of different flavors from individual packets. I hit that up first thing every morning.

    After that I either eat a granola bar or a "This Strawberry Walked into a Bar" from Trader Joes (yes that's what they're called. its an imitation nutri-grain bar).

    When I get hungry again in the mid-morning I'll have a trader joe's fruit leather.

    Sometimes they bring us bagels in the morning and i'll indulge myself with one of those.

    Also, I keep a bunch of packets of Emergen-C on my desk and try to drink one of those every day.

    I usually go out for lunch, which is generally not that healthy but I have to get out of the office. I work just blocks from the beach so i'd be wasting my life if i didn't get out there.

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