Inconvenient Giggles

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • CaP0

    i was with 4 friends, we were all 17 and drinking on the beach (in chile is illegal to drink before 18, plus it's illegal to drink on the street). so this cops arrive, we were already more than tipsy, so they ask us "gently" to come with them, so they could call our parents to come and get us.

    so we were there, sitting on a bench, with this bad-tempered cop looking at us and telling us off, and one of my friends was really drunk (and holding my sweater, btw), and he looks at me with glassy eyes and mutters something that later i recall us "i'm sorry"... and he throws up ON my sweater, trying to use it as bag.

    obviuosly it didn't work, so vomit was everywhere on the police station, we were laughing out loud at my friend and at the cop (bye bye to all solemnity). when we calmed, the cop, looking really angry, made my friend clean everything.

    one of the square tiles of the floor was broken in 3 parts (forming 3 simple triangles), so all the puke went under it. my friend (still very drunk) though it would be a great idea to get the pieces off, clean the vomit and then put the pieces again. the plan went sweet until the "put the pieces again" bit came. he couldn't, and again, bursting laughs...

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