Inconvenient Giggles

Out of context: Reply #24

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    Most of you know I lost a Grandfather and Grandmother in 2005.

    At my Grandmothers wake we were all of course pretty devastated and the mood was very somber.

    When the service was about over the priest asked if there was anyone in the Church who had a special moment or story they would like to share about Mary.

    This story popped into my mind and I spit out a little giggle then held it in as the story ran through my mind. As I'm reliving it it's getting harder and harder to keep it in. I look up and I start to notice a few people around me turn and give me a sort of bad smirk, so, I sucked it up and stood up to tell the story. This is the story I told...

    Everyone knows my Grandmother was a fantastic cook. Hands down the best stuffing on the planet that I had ever had. For years I looked forward to every holiday and special occasion so I could go over to Grandmothers house to eat the stuffing. And, also as you all know she kept her recipe closely guarded and never once gave it out. Well, actually once she did. To me. (at this point there were a few small gasps in the crowd).

    When I finally went away to college and started cooking on my own I finally got up enough courage to ask for her recipe cause I loved the stuffing so well. She looked at me and knew I was a broke starving student and wanted to help me out. So she leaned in close and whispered... "Ok, but you MUST promise never to reveal my secret" I agreed.

    So she shuffles over to the cupboard and starts moving food items aside reaching towards the back for what I could only imagine was a cookbook generations old. Then.... she pulls out a stovetop stuffing box and throws it into my chest.

    "Add water" she says.

    The entire Church errupted with laughter.

    To this day I giggle about that evening with her every time I see the add on TV or eat stuffing.

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