AppleCare SUX RANT

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • 21 Responses
  • stevegee0


    A. All sincerest apologies to anyone that is/was offended by my use of slanderous words... seriously. I didn't and typically don't mean to hurt feelings directly or indirectly and feel sincere sadness if I've done so. So I apologize and am thankful for the bludening.

    This is not a justification for it, but I've gotten much better service from them at much worse times fo the day. This guy seriously seemed to not give a crap about my machine.

    B. I backed up everything off the drive last night onto the server. Thanks to Synk.
    I then ran the disk utility a few more times from within the OS, no luck. SO I ran it from the install CD at about 3:45am and it was able to successfulyl repair the issues. I removed all traces of Limewire, hopefully. I am not going to the "Genius Bar" but will most likely have Apple send me a new HD anyhow.

    Thanks Again and all apologies again.


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