AppleCare SUX RANT

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • auricom0

    i tend to agree with Jevad.

    did the apple guy he talked to cause the

    did he attempt to assist him and point him in the right direction as to what to do next.....yes.

    so to go off and call the guy all those names and shit.....bit childish.

    now, yes, HD failure blows goat nuts, and steve was frustrated and to him the guy he talked to was Apple so that guy received the brunt of it, but those guys are there to help, don't knock em if they are just doing their job.

    plus when you go somewhere or call 15 minutes before the place closes, i don't care what company you're dealing with, or how much you paid for support, those guys just went through a long ass day, it be best to wait till they are rested anyway so they can focus on the problem.

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