
Out of context: Reply #21

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  • rasko40

    oh jaysus my last night in Japan back in january involved a drinking session of gargantuan proportions inside this strange burrow of the wierdest bars in osakas amerika district, after this insane club we hooked up with this bunch of crazy osakan hiphop kids and was in an izakaya drinking while they busted out all these crazy freestyle raps until 6am, afterwards I left my friend asleep in mos burger with his head on the table (i think we had nearly had a fight with each other also), went back to the hotel about 7am, got a phonecall at 10.20 saying that we should have checked out - I was supposed to be at the airport 20 mins ago to check in, flight at 11.45 - got my shit together quicksharp and got them to call me a cab, I was shouting "haiku haiku!" (faster faster) to the driver all the way (nearly an hour drive - cost me 70 fucking quid), got there and was ferried through the airport looking like death by a hot stewardess, got on the plane with seconds to spare suffering the worst hangover ever. I hadnt even said bye to my mate who was staying on for another few weeks hahah.

    When I finally got to heathrow like 13 hours later, I got pulled over by customs asking me all these questions cos I must have looked so ruined, thankfully I didn't get the cavity search.

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