beck / sampling

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  • konspiracy0

    going to see beck tomorrow night in edinburgh.

    i agree - dont buy a sampler.
    if you are on a PC you wanna use some sort of sound edit tool like "Soundforge". Then you can piece samples together to make songs by using a program like "Cubase" as your multi-track.
    Its a darn site cheaper ( - lol) than going out and buying a sampler.

    However if you like knob-tweaking you could do what i did (although i've not used it that much) and go out and buy a wee sampler like a Yamaha SU200.
    I clip and trim all my samples on my computer then save to smartmedia card. remove card and slip into sampler. hey-presto - instant samples to trigger.
    The neat thing with the SU200 is that it has loads of FX like distortion, Delay etc. And a neat 'cutup' tool that is good for re-shuffling beats etc on the fly.
    It also has Cutoff/Resonance which allows you to tweak vocals/instruments like they do on dancey songs.

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