Opinion on Mac Mini

Out of context: Reply #41

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  • KILLputer0

    mac/pc there is no differnace other than price.. all the software you will be using is the SAME on each platform.. why dont people realize this?

    (Nov 7 05, 03:44)

    There is a big difference... The DIFFERENCE is the OS. Plan and simple.

    I would pay a studio the price of a mac mini to NOT have to use a PC.

    I work for myself, before I got busy enough to do so I did IT work for a college. Nothing is more fucking anoying than administrating PC's all day. Nothing is more baffling to me with all the problems that occur on them why anyone would purposely choose to use that shit. But whatever- to each their own.

    I mentioned this here before many times... my main machine is a dual450 G4, I run the latest OS, CS2, Flash, and other good stuff just fine.. RAM is key- pays my rent.

    A mac mini with maxed RAM will be fine for your needs.

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