two account managers walk into a bar...

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • mikotondria20

    ah, I dont konw :/
    Its just a strategy to try and think up a joke..I can usually get the first bit right, even two lines if its a knock-knock joke, but I always have trouble getting the end, or 'the punchline',as I believe its known..
    Sometimes I start with the punchline, and then try to work back, but thats tricky too...
    "...I cant, Ive already got a dog, and his names not Buster"...might be good, but I cant work out what would come first..
    Similarly - "Knock knock", "Who's there", "Frank".."Frank who ?", is as far as Ive got on that one.
    Maybe your 'Account Managers', if that is their real name, could help ?
    Thanks for reading this far.

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