what a bfa gets you

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • lambsy0

    hey, i really dig your work!
    but if i showed your site to my boss or my partner and said -lets hire this dude, they would say no way. no matter how good you are, you come across as pretty brash. no one wants to work with someone who is a livewire or is going to be high-maintenance or irritable. or a sociopath, which when you state the near future involves bad whisky and paint sorta comes to mind. and mentioning that you like confrontation, (which i happen to like as well) will not work either - i don't care what context you put it in - political or personal.

    i'm really not trying to be a dick, i would like you to succeed just as much as the next talented dude.

    i wish you the best

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