NT should serve drinks..

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • 21 Responses
  • kingjulien0

    sikson, do you see the first response to this thread? that's code for, "please, can we do something about this silly twat."

    and backwards' comment a few posts later, that's sarcasm for "dude, you're retarded." i really don't get why my silly joke about son making more sense than you touched such a nerve, but clearly it has, and that's kind of funny.

    regarding the quote from my site, the one you've tried to turn into the magic bullet theory, it's not meant to be taken literally. it's parody. with that said, i do fine in that department without taking advise from some douchebag. also, just to be clear, one's behavior on NT in some silly thread in the middle of the night really has no correlation to one's social life. at least with mine. again, you're trying too hard. now, get some sleep. in the morning, if you don't see this whole thing was ripe for jest, please patch that hole in your forehead.

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