Freelance Contract

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    first off, brains...

    what you've done so far... HOT. :)

    this is 'pony approved'.

    My suggestion is what I said earlier. You've more than done the job here (shit... a jpg comp of this is worth more than 500 - that's some solid intellectual property there, good sir).

    Don't create a contract - DO NOT put up with shady mother-fuckers. The site is cool - seems like a creative group of folks to be in with... but if they're not going to respect you w/a solid monetary payment... strong-arm 'em. Don't finish it.. don't do a thing but lay it out for them. (don't be an asshole when doing this!!... always the pro!)

    Tell 'em:

    1.) What I've done far exceeds my compensation thus far...

    2.) Creating a contract now that I've DONE the work is backwards.

    3.) Require some sort of immediate compensation when they sign the contract - don't let them fuck you with a peice of paper - people still don't pay even while under contract... you must have money up front before you continue forward.

    I'd put in some sort of stipulation that requires 1/3 or 1/2 payment (depending on the size of the project) before beginning any work.

    ... or one last suggestion - probably the way to go too... DUMP THEM.

    Lick your wounds - let them have what's online and walk. It's not worth your time if they don't want to take care of you like you're taking care of them.

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