Save PBS

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • jDs0

    NewsHour is the best news out there, period. It's actually objective and PBS still seems to care about something called 'journalism'.

    This is about much more than Sesame Street and CarTalk, although both are really fantastic programming. This is more about the Bush administration's CPB lapdog Ken Tomlinson's quest to kill progressive media - which these days seems to be anything not mSm. btw - MediaMatters has a good explanation of the recent happenings, and is advocating a campaign called 'hands off public broadcasting' - check it here :…

    So, this is definitely not spam - we may actually lost public tv and public radio. To me, public broadcasting is one of the last places that truly cares about and reports on the happenings in creative communities, design included. We should all just take a moment and give your Congressman/woman & Senators a call and tell them HANDS OFF PUBLIC BROADCASTING.

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