- webazoot
UK Guide to Freelance/Self Employment
Anyone here have any tips on the above.
Looks like I'm soon to be unemployed and this is a step I should have taken some time …
- webazoot
If you can't do the time...
Hire someone else?…
Apparently no…
- webazoot
Apprentice USA [BBC2]
Is it really childish that I find it really funny whenever they mention the word Trump in relation to something?
I'm in the UK of…
- webazoot
< MUST SEE ! Pic of CN Tower in Toronto - Tallest Building in the World !
I really am confident that I could have lived a full and happy life without ever seeing that photograph.
- webazoot
< lovers need your cash
What an original idea. at $5 i'll be a looooong walk.
- webazoot
Barcelona Events
"do a serch in the PV-AV for 'barcelona', there are already allot of threads regarding this town..."
Tried this to no avail. Wh…
- webazoot
Barcelona Gif listings
Okay, Well I allready checked google to no avail...
So, Anyone know of a site with music listings for Barcelona, or a ticketmas…
- webazoot
Hasselhoff - Madonna?
Star David Hasselhoff is so happy in his new role as a musical theatre star, he has taken to serenading fans in the street.
- webazoot
What would you do
For a free holiday...
Key quote...
'Throughout the interview, the man repeatedly apologized for reeking of urine, Santos sai…
- webazoot
Barcelona Train Map?
anyone know of one online? Just the stations around the City Centre?