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Vimeo Portfolios
Does anyone have/use one? Anyone know how customizable the themes/pages are? I can only find limited info and struggling to find m…
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Still based TV Ads
I'm looking for examples of TV adverts using only still imagery. Finding it hard to search for...anything spring to mind?
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Music Vid - Alien/Tumor?
Can anyone remember the music video featuring a girl in love with a little alien/tumor thing. It becomes ill (starts seeping etc…
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Electronic Base Music = STD's wft?
wft is this article on about?
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Thinking of heading down to see 'POOR WEE ME' tonight at Derby QUAD. There's a post screening Q&A with director/screenwr... Simon…
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SDHC Cards!?
I've had x2 Kingston SDHC cards fail on me in the space of a few weeks! FFS! Any SDHC users out there? what brand do you use? any …
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Movies/Films turned in to theatre productions ?
Wondered if anyone knows of any interesting, strange, weird adaptations from the movie screen to the theatre:
I found:
The P…
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Space Invaders?
there was a site posted here a while back...think it was html5 based. It was designed for ipads etc. and it started with a little …
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Participation 'music videos'
I'm looking into examples of music videos... particularly examples that use the general public. I'm sure there was a video, eithe…
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url test from usa?
Hi all,
I'm hoping someone in the US can help me. I've recently created a facebook page for a client of ours and secured a uniqu…
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Calling all photographers...
Format International Photography Festival:…
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Format International Photography Festival
FORMAT11 Open Submissions, receiving applications NOW
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A joke, photoshop trickery or just a harmless bit of oki-cokey?
Just noticed this when you go to watch last nights leaders debate on iplayer - take a closer look at how they are all stood?! is …
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iphone app developer wanted...
We have an iphone app fully designed and specced that we need building...any dev's out there interested?
thanks, p
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Facebook App Developer wanted!
Facebook App Developer wanted for immediate work on project. If interested then please email me.
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Animated comics?
I'm just starting a couple of projects based around online/digital animated comics. I'm looking at the different techniques used …
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Superhero Campaigns?
Anyone any examples of ad campaigns using Superhero's? (comic strip style etc.)
thanks in advance...
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Animated People/Character Websites
I'm building a few web/digital flash projects at the moment where I would like to include animated people/characters... The obvio…