- twokids
Screen Recording Software?
I got a gig doing some online software training. What should I use, Camtasia, Captivate? Other?
Is there Open Source software…
- twokids
Motion Design Salary San Francisco
I may be moving to San Francisco. I was wondering if anyone had any idea what salaries for (experienced) Motion Designer is - som…
- twokids
gif vs. mp4
I have to deliver animation files to developers. I made an 20 second animation that is 1200x768 and I gave them a 300K mp4. They…
- twokids
New Pixies Album!
I wasn't paying attention, and suddenly saw that a whole new CD being released April 28! Made me very very happy, unexpectedly so…
- twokids
Mac Pro? who has one?
How is it? Unbelievable speed? or disappointing?
Do tell!
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Don't you hate it..
...when the first thing you hear from someone you are supposed to creative work for says
'We want you to knock it out of the p…
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knock it out of the park
is what I meant
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know it out of the park
we want you to blow them away
God I hate when use those words to describe something they want me to work on.
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Arcade Fire Reflektor
Note to timeline monitors: could not find thread through search
What do you all think?
I keep listening to it more and mo…
- twokids
I hate the NSFW thread
I will never look at it again.
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Music you never tire of
What music do you never get tired of hearing? You drop it for a year, and dig it out and it still makes you really happy. And th…
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funniest ever (one of the)
A little bit old, but still very relevant and hilarious.
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ipad + appleTV + 46" panel
I am working on an animation for a trade show and they want to use an iPad (newer one) to play a video through AppleTV to a Samsun…
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Webm question
Does anyone know what tools there are to work with this format? Seems hard to come by. Sorensen costs $1000
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Is there something that does this?
I wish I could put photos on my desktop (Mac) computer with no frame, no border, the way quicktime is when you let it play - just …
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new Mac Pro
I know what I want for christmas
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I hate PDFs
I have everything to do with Acrobat. I have been trying to figure out for about 20 minutes how to size an Acrobat document down …
- twokids
Apple faces reality
About time, in my opinion.…
Apple's New Normal…
- twokids
Free Motion Design
I am an experienced Motion Designer with a full time job. I will do Motion Design for free for the right situation: something th…