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big print question
we have to a print a really big wall(2meters by 20metres).we can't do a normal procedure(blowing it up) because the viewers will b…
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hey how do you convert an excisitng font from mac to a pc using fontographer..i used to know but i forgot... :(
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hippa to da hoppa
i saw that one last year.really good.
rasko why post tv guides from last year?
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michal levy…
quite impressive.
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new screen for powerbook
is it possible to get a new screen for my powerbook?
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make a sentence
with al the threads now showing
i dare ya
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for all ya computerlovers
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lets stay positive
you know lets keep positive.
maybe bush is going to prove us wrong.i'm going to give him a change..and call my me naive,but maybe…
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Election Music Time
no discussions,no hard words..just a song that in way describes your feelings
here is mine
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my halloween costume
i'm a laptop
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kitchen flooded
argh my kitchen is under water!!!and i have this major meeting in morning.fuckfuckf...
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moving to west sussex
anybody live there?i need some info about prices and living in general.thanks!
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this is a longshot,does anybody know where get some online footage about the heart(mpeg-mov?)
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uhm dutchboy...…
love the re-design