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offf. barça..stories.
just back.great three days..met some interesting people..seen some really creative stuff...last night went to to the the discothec…
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my nuevo shoes
after 3 month of waiting there finally are on my feet..…
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looking for a cartoon
I'm looking for a cartoon.
it was aired in the eighties,
it was about a little panda bear and its mother. the mother st…
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Qbn special announcement.
welcome hillman.
its becoming quite the star parade there...
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jaguar/leopard pattern
good morning all,
i need a pattern of a jaguat or leapard, like it came with the launch of macos jaguar.
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that hurts
well last night sucked.
i had a date with a girl, she cancelled because she had al lot work to for school(interior design)
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wmv to quictime
hi folks,
i need a window media player to quicktime convertor.(for pc)
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wmv to quictime
hi folks,
i need a window media player to quicktime convertor.(for pc)
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Dobranocka za oceanem
anyone know about an an old polish cartoon featuring a cat named philomena...
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i'm going.
who else?
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friday's nineties classic
lets have a nineties classic thread
here ya gothe confettis…
issabelle a…
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best line from a movie
for instance
peach?i could eat a peach for hours
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mtv winter jam
who made the promo for it...not sure about the was in a dirty style combined with some 3d and of course the very fashiona…
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does anyone know were i can get detailed information about logos(nike ,adidas,coca cola...)and the guys who designed them...thanks
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need a cool name for a record company
anyone got some ideas?
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<<-prove peter greenaway wrong
what about koyaanisqatsi?