- tank
video clip check
can you guys check of the video clip we made streams well.…
some feedback would also…
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mr paul rand
hey anyone got a link to a decent photo of him...i tried googling but no decent result.thanks in advance
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blgian election
a sad day,the 'vlaams blok'
.the racist party is growing again...what fuck is wrong with people here? i am moving to another coun…
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after effects Q
hey.when you are making a mask
there is something you can do that will make the mask reveal itself at a very normal consistent sp…
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well my class is graduating
we could only make bannersi am the BK in the site;
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from illustrator file to slide
hey you guys how do i do dthis?whats the best way
tank youuuuuuu
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lient gunther
there is a promo for mtv where a guy conefesses to his parents that is german.
anybody got a link fot that?
danki danki
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i love iceland
i love iceland!