
  • mbr

    Denver Printers

    Anyone have any experience with printers in the Denver area?

    I am going to get some business cards and folders printed - basic …

    Sep 7, 044 replies
  • mbr

    Folder Printing

    I am going to have to print some folders to put portfolio pieces in and am looking for inexpensive options.

    $2-3 per folder is …

    Aug 22, 043 replies
  • mbr

    Logo Inspiration

    I am having a hell of a time designing my logo - I like, then I don't like, etc., etc. Sound familiar?

    I am looking for good l…

    Aug 21, 047 replies
  • mbr

    Realestate PreConstruction Sites

    I am looking for sites that are marketing real estate before the actual construction, preferrably with renderings/animat... If an…

    Aug 20, 044 replies
  • mbr

    Dumb PS questinon

    How do you unlock the proportional crop tool?

    It scales the tool proportional, and it's locked.
    It has to be something easy…

    May 18, 047 replies
  • mbr


    Nope, tried it. Unless I am missing something there, quicktime will not play them, either (and no, I am not 100% sure they aren't…

    May 11, 042 replies
  • mbr

    MPEG2 Decoder

    Ok, this seems like it should be really obviuos, but I can't find the answer...

    I have a few MPEGS (don't really know which one…

    May 11, 043 replies