- jaylarson
Fonts you want 2019
Borderline cliché, but I am curious:…
- jaylarson
St louis Muhsurrah
I'm going there this weekend. What's interesting—besid... the flooding?
- jaylarson
opera neon
oh great another great browser
i might miss the browser bar unless it's a type centr…
- jaylarson
Helping you Answer
Learn how to respond to all kinds of project requests — from different entities with differing levels of budget — with this intera…
- jaylarson
TIME's 100 Most Influential Images
Some gems for sure:
- jaylarson
Foxtype / friendlier
Foxtype helps you write in a more polite, friendly tone.
We rate the politeness of your sentences. We also help re-write your s…
- jaylarson
RIP Paul Kantner
Because all these boomers be dying—this guy deserves mentioning too:…
- jaylarson
RIP Dan Haggerty…
"They were all in lo…
- jaylarson
Reddit of the day™
Since it hasn't been really done yet:
- jaylarson
Going to Colorado
I'll be there from May 30th until June 6th. The Trail Ridge Road will be open in RMNP.
I plan on seeing Garden of the Gods,
- jaylarson
software wishlist
When an employer is asking what kinds of software and maybe hardware you want, what's good kids?
I'm asking for a wacom tablet…
- jaylarson
looking 4 photographer
i'm looking for a photographer that had portraits of people with huge swaths of black cloth laying on the ground within vast lands…
- jaylarson
annie96 is typing...
interesting delivery with a good and creepy narrative. enjoy.
- jaylarson
RIP Oderus Urungus
He was taken off back to his home planet. He was 50 years old. Another member of theirs just died a few years ago. Yikes
- jaylarson
haaaar! image
the one with the kid with the fucked up teeth. epill probably made it. anyone got it handy?