- ifeltdave
Looking for a video
It's a longshot, but I'm looking for a music video I saw a few years back.
The style was black and white, stop motion / cut out…
- ifeltdave
Looking for a video...
It was an animation done not all that long ago. Started with lots of awesome character 3D, and the graphic style changes between v…
- ifeltdave
PSB Scared Bros
This could be fun
- ifeltdave
Gnomon Master Classes 2011
14 classes for under $300 ($30 off if you sign up with the early bird discount), including one by GMUNK. Looks really cool and use…
- ifeltdave
C4D / Shadow Issue
Hoping for leads from the few cinema 4d users we got here. I'm rendering a simple scene, which has a light behind a set of wooden …
- ifeltdave
My car was totaled
My 10 year loyal Honda Civic SI was crushed this weekend by a drunk driver (while parked, no injuries). Just got word from insuran…
- ifeltdave
Particle Designer
This is a cool app I came across while looking for ways to implement a trapcode particular-like effect into an iPhone app. Only $8…
- ifeltdave
Skittles "Newlyweds"
I have no idea what to think of this. I can't imagine it's an official Skittles spot.. what do you think?
NSFW, btw
- ifeltdave
Crowdsourcing.. how to?
Hey everyone, here's the skinny. I'm in this punk band, been playing for about 9 months, and none of us can agree on a band name. …
- ifeltdave
F**k Yeah Fest! 2011
Anyone in LA checking this out? The Descendants and Kid Dynamite are playing, among others..
- ifeltdave
Polar-to-Rect in Flash?
I realize I'll get few of the answers I need here, but I am desperate!
I need to convert a polar image (from a 360˚ camera) to …
- ifeltdave
MAD Spain, 2011
Anyone going to this? I'll be there both days. Never been to Madrid before, and should have an ext…
- ifeltdave
Public Choice Signups?
Ponder this QBNers: What if you had to be officially approved in order to have permission to post to the public choice? I'm sick o…
- ifeltdave
QBN Creative Collab
Anyone around here up for some type of creative collab? Every new year I look for a project to get a wave of creative juices flowi…
- ifeltdave
Photography gifts?
What to get an aspiring photographer for xmas? She has been drawn to toy cameras lately, but I don't want to get the standard holg…
- ifeltdave
games you've never beat!!
Inspired by the other thread, what are some games you just couldn't finish through? For me its more often out of lack of dedicatio…
- ifeltdave
NYC 11/18 - 11/23
Going to be in the big apple next weekend. Anything going on, or anything I can't go without seeing? First time heading up there.
- ifeltdave
pose morph - c4d question
The c4d minds here are slim pickens but I am hopoing someone's run into this.
I'm using the new pose morph tag. all is well in …
- ifeltdave
Best Cry Ever - Slayer Edition
God I hope this embed code works..
<object width="450" height="370"><embed src="" FlashVars="config=" width="450" height="370" bgcolor="#000000" scale="noscale" menu="false" loop="false" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="always" allowNetworking="all" allowfullscreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
- ifeltdave
Mario Paint
Anyone else feel like this game helped pave their way to becoming a designer / animator? I spent countless hours in this thing. I …