- citizen_h
Premier league fantasy football
Anyone setup the league yet? If so can you post the code please.
- citizen_h
Fantasy football league 2017/18
Can find the code to join the Qbn league. Any ideas where this is or who sorts this out?
- citizen_h
UI Animation Software
I'm from a AFX background and have seen Principle and Pixate which seems much better for demo of animations with interactions. Wha…
- citizen_h
Macbook Pro - LOUD FAN!
Just splashed the cash on a ruddy brand new macbitch pro with a fully maxed up spec. And the silly bugger has the fan kicking in a…
- citizen_h
Content affecting Profile
Any of you's know of any types of services where the content you interactive with affects your profile. i.e a bit like Netflix
- citizen_h
Facebook experiments sites
There was a facebook site that had loads of visual and experimentation websites using their APIs. Similar to chrome experiments. C…
- citizen_h
Work Dilemma
Been freelancing and its been great. Currently working at a really cool place with great folks etc... on a corporate mobile app pr…
- citizen_h
3D illustrative styled objects
Does anyone else know of any other designers/illustr... that do this sort of stuff? See below which is from Serial Cut.
- citizen_h
Kinect - Green Screen Backgrounds
Any recommendations/l... to cool background /environment VR sets using kinect tech? i.e like green screen effect.
- citizen_h
Microsoft ditching the Nokia name on smartphones
- citizen_h
Travel Blog
Going traveling for a few months and am looking to setup a blog journal. Any of you's recommend any that are free and good?
- citizen_h
Game design books
Any QBNers recommend any inspiring books on games, low budget - high budget designing and building games, old and new game studios…
- citizen_h
New premier league starts in a couple of weeks. So let's get this started!…
- citizen_h
Rub on transfers - London
Folks I need to get some rub on custom transfers for a small job. Can't find or even think of a place in London. Any QBNers know a…
- citizen_h
Backup External HD
Need to buy a new External HD but looking at 3TB+. Any recommendations? Can't be asked with cloud services. Has to be local.
- citizen_h
Macbook Pro
To buy or not to buy? that is the question.
Have existing 2010 one running well but...
Do I buy a new one now or is there an…