- lele
Stanley Kubrick Definitive Resource
A good reason to learn to speak italian...
Lot of good contents.
- tank
anyone got an old ad resourcenbesides the (wonderfull)retro... site?
- Cyndja
New Image Resource
Lowcost, but as I see high quality royalty free images. Not bad!
- Dipsessie - Art Resource
dutch portfolio/art resource
- DutchBoy
archi resource thread
this thread for architecture/3d related resources, such as textures, objects etc.
high res bricks and roof tiles:
- lukecarter
An Awesome Resource
This is an invaluable resource as a new yorker that is highly recommended. Great for finding jobs/houses/etc. Now they have expa…
- DutchBoy
..and a great bunch of resource links:
scroll down a bit.
- Spilt-Milk
Xmas art resource?
Hi all,
Anyone know of a good resource for vector (preferably) crimbo artwork. Happy to pay for it if nees be. Usual gubins requi…
- DutchBoy
image resource thread
post all those galleries/sites here in this thread!
posted by bitlounge in pbs:…my…
- airey
logo resource
any one lead me to some logo resources you use for inspiration? i've got a freebie job to do and i blow at id's (i find them diffi…
- mevsthem
[BBS Gallery's]
01. ANSI Art Collection…currently my favourite
- HawkEye
Flash forum/resource?
Hi friends!
Could you hint me on the best flashforum around? Need some expert-help...
- necklipp
The Definitive Logo Resource
Have a new client who is insisting on an above average search to see if the brand mark we have created already exists. Anyone know…
- mr740
rip resource?
Im doing a term paper on ethics in the contemporary media field. I was wondering if you guys knew of any sites that are devoted to…
- josimarX
.fla resource
crikey, this is good.
- DutchBoy
major identity resource.
bookmark it!…
(english version)…
(dutch vers…
- rd11
vintage carnival resource?
anyone know a good resource for vintage carnival posters?