- MatDolphin
Squarespace Logo isn't a threat...
Sqaurespace have just launched a new Logo service. Designers are up in arms...
- MatDolphin
What's the process?
How do you tackle a project? Do you have a routine? Is there a set process you follow?
- MatDolphin
10 Questions for Thomas Blankschøn
The brilliant designer and illustrator Thomas Blankschøn answers our Ten Questions.
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The 3 L's
Does your location matter to your clients?
- MatDolphin
Our thoughts on Swiftly, the new service recently launched by 99 Designs.
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Leo Burnett
...already said it better than us.
- MatDolphin
Creativity Decoded
How do you define what creativity is?
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10 Questions for Laura Barnard
Illustrator extraordinaire Laura Barnard answers our Ten Questions.
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Apple Mac Pro
NEW Launch photo of the Apple Mac Pro
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10 Questions for Jordan Metcalf
Jordan Metcalf answers our Ten Questions. Check out his inspiring illustration and lettering work.
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Behind the Design
How relevant should a design rationale be?
- MatDolphin
10 Questions for Si Scott
The brilliant illustrator Si Scott answers our Ten Questions. Check out the interview and his amazing work. Inspiring.
- MatDolphin
Saul Bass
...already said it better than us.
- MatDolphin
One Plain, One Fancy
Open submission series. Simply interpret the phrase 'One Plain, One Fancy'...
- MatDolphin
David Foldvari
The brilliant illustrator Mr David Foldvari answers our Ten Questions.
- MatDolphin
Storm Thorgerson already said it better than us...
Storm Thorgerson. 1944 – 2013
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Mat Dolphin site updates
We're very pleased to share a selection of recent projects whilst we work on our new site design.
- MatDolphin
HPR London
Fashion PR agency HPR London launch their new site.
- MatDolphin
The Key To Failure Is Trying To Please Everybody
Our thoughts on designing for the recognition of your peers...
- MatDolphin
Steven Bonner
Designer, illustrator and typography genius Steven Bonner answers our Ten Questions.