- LovelyPackage
This talented group of Greeks are producing hit after hit.
- LovelyPackage
Great packaging design, and great hot sauces from QBN'er bzsaw.
- LovelyPackage
Blend-It Design
Great packaging from Israel's Blend-It Design.
- LovelyPackage
Parallax Design
Adelaide based Parallax Design are pumping out an impressive body of alcohol packaging.
- LovelyPackage
Lovely Stationery
New "lovely" site curating the very best of stationery design.
- LovelyPackage
Swear Words
I'm not sure what's in the water over there, but Australia continues to crank out brilliant packaging. Add Swear Words to the mix.
- LovelyPackage
Taku Satoh Design Office Inc.
Packaging design from Tokyo.
- LovelyPackage
War Design
Named after Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, this Sydney based shop is pumping out some great work.
- LovelyPackage
Eduardo del Fraile
Clean, minimal package design from Spanish designer Eduardo del Fraile.
- LovelyPackage
Some 'Choice Cuts' package design on Ilovedust's new site.
- LovelyPackage
Strømme Throndsen Design
Beautiful and unique Norwegian package design.
- LovelyPackage
Neumeister makes brands for a living.
- LovelyPackage
Help Remedies
Help Remedies combines a great product, witty writing and simple clean design to create a unique product.
- LovelyPackage
Clean and simple design of beauty products from Australia/China based Container.
- LovelyPackage
Michael Freimuth
A beautiful example of stunning visual and structural design for Aztia's by Michael Freimuth.
- LovelyPackage
Lovely Package® x FontShop
Lovely Package® and FontShop have partnered up to offer our readers a new feature, as well as a bi-monthly book giveaway.
- LovelyPackage
Lots of new work up at Lovely Package®
Lovely Package® is the leading source for the very best that package design has to offer.
- LovelyPackage
Lovely Package®
Lovely Package is the leading source for the very best that package design has to offer.