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- 10 Responses
- LovelyPackage
This talented group of Greeks are producing hit after hit.
- _niko0
been following their work for a while, great stuff
- ideaist0
- Illustration, typography, photography; all so consistent and tight.ideaist
- < I don't get this, why this hand on olive oil. obviously for fisters.lessfloor
- I think it's either rubbing oil for consistency, or some type of religious connotation?!ideaist
- Def religious. Google Img search "greek saints".Retro
- It's called "saint olive" so assume it is for the religious gesture.HAYZ1LLLA
- prophetone0
is good, yes.
- hektor9110
solid work!
- Krassy0
- fadein110
such good work - but wow what a bad company name
- -kappa-0
love their work
- ********0