- GreedoLives
Whatever happened to that, thought we were going to have a new print exchange after the holidays? Seff and .5 were talking about …
- GreedoLives
Official 2008 MLB thread
Any fans left? Go Sawwwks!
- GreedoLives
Red & Black Posters
I'm looking for some fun posters for my kid's room that are just black and red, much like this:…
- GreedoLives
New Lesions
should i worry?
- GreedoLives
Show some recent work…
how about a half-finished map of pacific whale populations? (yes, i know the keys look l…
- GreedoLives
Global Orgasm
(it's work safe)who's in?
- GreedoLives
German Safety Video
this deserves its own thread. German forklift trai…
- GreedoLives
Sesame St
stevie wonder on sesame st.
best song ever about counting to three.
- GreedoLives
Font Explorer X 1.0
Anyone else have any problems with this update today? CS was crashing like a bad NASCAR race today; i had to uninstall the auto-a…
- GreedoLives
Sly Stone…
There's persistent rumors that Sl…
- GreedoLives
es my bueno!!!!
- GreedoLives
non-linear websites
I'm supposed to do some research for school on "interactive, non-linear web-based narrative" websites, and I was wondering if anyo…
- GreedoLives
<-- Swedish 60s Bands
there's way more where that came from...:…
- GreedoLives
steel engravings?
I'm looking for some 19th-century style engravings, the kind you used to see in dictionaries/ency... and sears catalogs. More spe…
- GreedoLives
Friday Music 020604
Marvin Gaye - T plays it cool.
from "Trouble Man" soundtrack.
- GreedoLives
Pat Morita
So were just talking about the Karate Kid movies in the office, and i swear that Pat Morita did some commercials for Colgate as th…
- GreedoLives
PS Battle Feb 18 2005
I got some time, let's get this thing started...somebod... put up a pic!
- GreedoLives
NT PS Battle Feb 11 2005
how about this?…