- D_Dot
Wilson Miner
Great site I recently came across.
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Laser Engraved Moleskins
Some really boss looking Moleskin notebooks on this site for purchase.
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Pdf Magazines
A list of available magazines in pdf format. Some are good some are just ok. Still worth a look.
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Penguin Book Covers
A Flickr Photo set.
Great collection of book covers from Penguin.
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Canadian War Posters
A collection of old war posters grouped by artist.
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Nice Typography examples
Found these the other day while trying to find maps of Ontario.
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Employment Agreement For Designers
Interesting read, for those that may not know too much about the subject.
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Hotel Puerta America Madrid
Great site and architecture.
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Amazing Flash/Design
Jonathan Yuen.
I just found this link today. One of the coolest, stickiest sites I've seen in a while.
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Open Video Project
Great resource for old video footage.
- D_Dot
Kyle Cooper
Beautiful work.