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  • 480 Responses
  • iCanHazQBN0

    Must See: Huge amounts of weapons dropped in Libya.

  • iCanHazQBN0

    Do you think Norton wants to get rid of all the computer viruses in the world? Fuck no. They'd go out of business. They LOVE viruses!

    • doctors too._niko
    • Doctors.. pharmaceutical companies, of course. Business thrives on people's problems.iCanHazQBN
    • and fucking mechanics too, you think they can't make a car that can't break down? Everyone's in on everything._niko
    • and don't get me started on these Mexicans an my lawn, you telllin' me that grass just fucking grows? they're controlling it all man, just so that they can come back in a couple of weeks and gouge me._niko
    •, just so they can be back in a couple of weeks and gouge me._niko
    • Fucking LOL @ that Mexican lawn conspiracySteveZissou
    • haha, and this damn weather too, snow just should not stick in my driveway! The companies plowing are making fortunes!formed
    • fortunes!formed
  • moldero0

    • The like button isn't working.wagshaft
    • Are you making fun of freedomGeorgesII
    • Well those that make fun are practically like making jokes during the titanic sinking n ur on ityurimon
  • futuremongolian0

    You can't win a war without allies and surrounded by enemies. See every war ever.

    ISIS are newbs.

    • so why aren't they losing?uan
    • slippery little bastardsdbloc
    • Plenty of allies in whomever is providing them with intelligence, funding, and support.IRNlun6
    • they already won, compare our "freedom" to how it was before 9-11moldero
  • dbloc0

    • Isn't this old Afghanistan footage?detritus
    • is it filmed from an helicopter?benfal99
    • what kind of weapons are they shooting? it looks fuckin brutalbenfal99
    • 30mm canon and hellfire rocketsgoldieboy
    • intensemoldero
  • HijoDMaite0

    • Go Batman.detritus
    • I agree with Ben in that most people in those countries just want to wake up, work, eat supper and kiss their kids goodnight without worry of bullets or bombs killing them.ETM
    • goodnight without worry of bullets or bombs killing them. Pray, read scripture and I doubt they are thinking of killing the infidel.ETM
    • infidel with every waking moment. I don;t think most ever think that.ETM
    • That said, I am totally repulsed by the way some aspects of the culture treat females. But that is changed by empowerment, not weapons.ETM
    • weapons and foreign boots.ETM
    • Pompous twat. Remind me why we listen to celebritys?matnz
    • agreed. ben wouldn't let harris talk.hotroddy
  • detritus0

    • FEAR FEAR FEARApeRobot
    • lolmoldero
    • powerfull? learn how to spell :)Weyland
    • English is his second language. Cut him some slack.ETM
  • lowimpakt0

    everyone hates ISIS

    • The source happens to be Jewish-anti Islamic magazine bent for Gentile support
    • The Economist is Jewish now?detritus
    • It's not jewish but the Rothchilds own majority of the stock, mehWeyland
    • shit graphicfadein11
  • ApeRobot0

    The US air force has told an atheist airman he must swear his re-enlistment oath to God or he will not be allowed to reenlist, according to the American Humanist.…

    • so, who are the religious freaks?ApeRobot
    • seriously who fuckn caresGeorgesII
    • All praying to the same god, if it even exists. Fucking hilarious.
    • that won't backfireformed
  • GeorgesIV0

    isis is gonnnna kill us allll!!
    why are you all scared of a non story, have you learned absolutly nothing for the war on terror?


    (sorry it was easier to find us #)

    Deaths and Mortality

    Number of deaths: 2,515,458
    Death rate: 807.3 deaths per 100,000 population
    Life expectancy: 78.7 years
    Infant Mortality rate: 6.07 deaths per 1,000 live births

    Number of deaths for leading causes of death:

    Heart disease: 596,577
    Cancer: 576,691
    Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,943
    Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,932
    Accidents (unintentional injuries): 126,438
    Alzheimer's disease: 84,974
    Diabetes: 73,831
    Influenza and Pneumonia: 53,826
    Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 45,591
    Intentional self-harm (suicide): 39,518

    Data are for the U.S. and are final 2010 data;

    • but but izis, fear porn, 'terrist nevuh fergutz…
    • thanks man, good to get perspective once in a while._niko
    • plus they can't sell us pills to ease the symptoms of ISIS, no money in that..._niko
    • but lotsa money for the "war", so still making a gazillion it "diversification"formed
    • Most sold beer in the world: snow beer. In China.Peter
  • HijoDMaite0

    George's a simple question:

    Who in your opinion is more evil. As in who shall we fear.

    1.) Top brass at the Pentagon

    1.) Top ranking Lieutenants with ISIS

    Or optional answer: "There is no such thing as evil, we shouldn't fear anything."

    • believe me there are tons of evil men/women on this plane of existence, now off course a top brass of the pentagon is more evil than a top ranking lt of isis, who do you think gave them their brief and business planGeorgesIV
    • evil than a top ranking lt of isis, who do you think gave them their brief and business planGeorgesIV
    • lastly let me had that it's not that we shouldn't fear nothing, we should just stop jumping when they say jump, it's stupidGeorgesIV
    • its as if you think high ranking govt and mil officials are some type of secret society who are planning our demise.HijoDMaite
    • or you think they are all complete moron who are sending us down a cliff of destruction.HijoDMaite
    • have you ever met anyone in the U.S. military or an american politician?HijoDMaite
    • and why not have this same mentality for CEO's or top execs in all types of institutions around the globe.HijoDMaite
    • if one day you become Pres of your agency or wherever you work, are you all of the sudden going to become evil and plotHijoDMaite
    • the demise of the lower people in your hierarchy? or will you be the only good and benign president/leader?HijoDMaite
    • please don't take offense to this I just don't get how people can be so cynical and skeptical about the "MAN" constantly.HijoDMaite
    • hijo, I have met plenty of high low/ranking mil and 0.01%, my french teacher used to say, "question bête, réponse bête",GeorgesIV
    • If you take a serious look at our planet's history, you can see that it's in human nature to screw over other people, at this point I believe if we don't want to wake up to the fact that there's a small but powerful percentage of humans that will screw us over to gain power over us, I don't know what else to say, human history is riff with conspiracy/backstabb... of all kind, are we so evolved to believe it's not happening now and it's all because of the stupidity of the people in power, comon, I know I'm supposed...GeorgesIV
    • Someone has no idea about the reality of the free mason. Do some research son...
    • its not human nature its psychopathy. different breed of peopleyurimon
  • mg330

    It's all starting to make me very uncomfortable. Far more then Al Qaeda's rhetoric has since September 11.

    The biggest thing on my mind with this new threat is the fact that we have a child on the way in January. She's our first. And it is just frightening to think of what the world could be like if so much turns bad. At this very moment, I am standing on a rocky beach in Maui, taking long exposure photos but generally just enjoying my last night in this beautiful place. The incredible stars, the sound of the waves, just standing here in this darkness thinking constantly how beautiful this world is, and balancing that against the thought of how much some people want to destroy it. It is very stressful, and if you let it get to you it takes so much out of you. It's hard to think of living in a world so great yet with so much evil.

    What is this all going to be like in one year? Five years? 10 years? 18 years? What opportunities might see you never have if things get bad beyond our imagination? How might we struggle as a family, as a society? It's very tough to think through those thoughts.

    I have this feeling that it is only a matter of time before several unfriendly countries realize that differences need to be put aside and they need to collectively battle the terrorism that as a threat to everyone. I am hopeful that we will see some Muslim countries come together with the United States to defeat this group, realizing first and foremost that we are all human beings living in this world together, and that there is no place for such barbaric hate no matter what your religious beliefs.

    • Things are getting better. Overall people are far more ethical and open minded. I have a positive outlook for the future, personally.
    • Don't allow the media's focus on the smaller percentage of negative to negatively affect your outlook on life.
    • Just educate yourself as much as possible. make sure you are self sustaining with food and have a years supply, food water. etcyurimon
    • lol! Great contrast there set and yuri! "All's going to be ok, just be prepared for an apocalypse!" Haha.formed
    • Haha
    • Dont' let your fears about having a kid polarize your world view and narrow your perspective. Dont be the typical asshole parent.cannonball1978
    • asshole parent.cannonball1978
  • utopian1

    • WARNING: watching vice news will give you cancer and make you 2 levels dumber.pr2
    • ^ i dislike a lot of their stuff but they have some good shit too, don't close yourself off.moldero
  • uan0

    rename this thread to Daesh

    "ISIL considers the acronym Da'ish derogatory because with the appropriate grammatical conjugation it sounds similar to the Arabic words Daes, "one who crushes something underfoot", and Dahes, "one who sows discord"."

  • utopian3

  • HijoDMaite1

    I dont know how legit this is but it's hillarious.

    El Chapo sends threatening message to terrorist group ISIS.

    “You [ISIS] are not soldiers. You are nothing but lowly p*ssies. Your god cannot save you from the true terror that my men will levy at you if you continue to impact my operation.”
    “My men will destroy you. The world is not yours to dictate. I pity the next son of a wh*re that tries to interfere with the business of the Sinaloa Cartel. I will have their heart and tongue torn from them.”…

    • lol?Ben99
    • sounds like they're ripe for some u.s. fundingGnash
  • utopian0

    The NY Times provided examples of how ISIS runs this operation inside its territory:

    In a neighborhood in Mosul, Iraq, ISIS has transformed a police station into a market and charges vendors 2.8 million Iraqi dinars, or roughly $2,500, per year to rent a stall.

    In ISIS' de facto capital of Raqqa, Syria, the "Office of Services" collects a "cleaning tax" of about 2,500 to 5,000 Syrian pounds, or about $7 to $14, from merchants.

    ISIS also charges for utilities like water and electricity, and residents go to "collection points" to pay their bills. Those usually total about 800 Syrian pounds, or roughly $2.50, for electricity, and 400 pounds, or about $1.20, for water.

    ISIS' "Office of Resources" controls the group's oil and smuggling operations, in addition to businesses like soft-drink plants, mobile-phone companies, textile and furniture workshops, and factories that produce chemicals, cement, and tiles.

    ISIS also skims revenue from small businesses, demanding a cut of their profits.

    ISIS charges an income tax of about 10%.

    ISIS imposes fines and fees for services or infractions including car registration, college textbooks, traffic violations, and smoking.

    • How capitalist of them. I can see why they hate us so much.monospaced
    • So Daesh is a low tax zone?

      Perhaps some American corporations might choose to set up their HQs there?
    • 10% flat tax... a Ted Cruz wet dream!wagshaft
    • I wonder if there's an abortion clinic there in that market, y'know, next to the free healthcare that comes from ISIS controlmonospaced
    • ..because America has a great record on abortion clinics?detritus
    • And your healthcare system's a mess from what I hear from over this side of the pond.

      Stones and glass houses, and all that...
    • no shitmonospaced
    • I was being sarcastic, sorry. Joking about how ISIS might be actually running a decent society with all the things we struggle to implement. Bad joke, sorry.monospaced
    • Ah, I thought you were taking my joke seriously and responding in kind.

      American sarcasm's an odd fish.
  • youngdesigner0

    Anonymous Says ISIS Plans Attacks Against 'Paris And The World' Sunday…

    • https://media.giphy.…pablo28
    • get them to pay for decent hosting - site doesn't work.fadein11
    • does now.fadein11
    • @YourAnonNews: "We did not spread any rumors about possible future ISIS attacks, and frankly, we do not know where the rumors come from." 2 hours later.uan
  • ********

  • MakeBelieve0

    Without sounding like a conspiracy nut, I thought it would be interesting for people to know that many Muslims knew the coming of ISIS would occur, as they are a specific type of group that continues to emerge and die off throughout history.

    They are known as Khawarij (separatists) and they have consistently been wiped out or expelled throughout history by Muslims.

    The predictions about the type of people ISIS are was made by the Prophet Muhammad himself, in a collection of narrations including this:

    “It is related on the authority of ‘Ali (may Allah ennoble his countenance): ‘When you see the black flags, remain where you are and do not move your hands or your feet (It’s a common phrase meaning: “Stay put and don’t get involved in the fighting”). Thereafter there shall appear a feeble folk to whom no concern is given. Their hearts will be like fragments of iron. They are the representatives of the State (Ashab al-Dawla). They will fulfill neither covenant nor agreement. They will invite to the truth, though they are not from its people. Their names will be agnomens [i.e., Abu So-and-so], and their ascriptions will be to villages. Their hair will be long like that of women. [They shall remain so] till they differ among themselves, and then Allah will bring forth the truth from whomever He wills.’”

    1. Black flags: ISIS use black flags.
    2. Feeble: They are newcomers to the fight in Syria and relative nobodies till they took swathes of land that was taken by other fighters.
    3. Hearts like fragments of iron: Watch any of their videos and judge for yourself.
    4. Ashab al-Dawla: They call themselves, the Dawla ('State').
    5. Breaking agreements: They broke agreements and refused Shariah arbitration.
    6. Invite to the truth, though not from its people: Yes, they’re Khawarij (Separatists).
    7. Their names will be agnomens: Abu Hamza, Abu Qatada etc meaning (Father of Hamza...) hiding their real names.
    8. Their ascriptions will be to villages: Villages here could be read as cities; most of them are al-Iraqi, al-Misri, al-Maghribi, al-Tunisi, etc.
    9. Long hair: See Abu Ibrahim and the other assorted characters.

    You can know more about it in this clip of Hamza Yusuf Hanson, a highly respected American Muslim (convert) scholar from California.

    • why didn't they do anything about it?dirtydesign
    • Seems like Mohammad wasn't really a really good role model for peace and loving thy neighbor. Just saying.robotron3k
    • Actually he was brilliant. He took care of his neighbours, even those that hurled rubbish at him. He was entrusted with money for sake-keeping even by the Jews.MakeBelieve
    • He was known to admired by his enemies for his honesty and truthfulness. He warned against people like ISIS and told people to stay away or fight them.MakeBelieve
    • Muslims have been continuously wiping out the likes of extremism that ISIS represents. This time however, they are well funded.MakeBelieve
    • Most 'Muslim' countries are led by corrupt leaders and they couldn't care less about ISIS or Islam. They use ISIS to crack down on opposition and change.MakeBelieve
    • ISIS/Khawarij are those that would even reject Muhammad, so instead of emulating him, they think they are the absolute final word on right/wrong in Islam.MakeBelieve
    • Prophet said that his community (Muslims) are people of 'wasat' (middle) - meaning of moderation. He implied don't be over zealous nor too liberal/lax. Balance.MakeBelieve