Shooting of the Day

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  • BonSeff0


    Sheriff says 17 year old junior at Lake Mary High School brought gun onto campus and killed herself during school hours this morning.…

  • Ramanisky20…

    Two gunmen have opened fire at a school in south-eastern Brazil, killing eight people before taking their own lives.

    Some asshole also posted a video on twitter showing kids on the ground in pools of blood. Just Horrible.

  • Ramanisky21

    Another mass shooting, this time in a New Zealand mosque. The fucker live streamed it on Facebook.

    Multiple dead.

    I fucking hate this world.

    • This happened in 2 different Mosques.
      One guy had a GoPro camera on. Truly horrific footage.
    • Just saw that on the news. Grim as fuck.PhanLo
    • fuck me. i just don't get it. why is this so fucking common? and to live stream??lvl_13
    • 4 people arrested so far ...
      3 men and 1 woman.
    • At least 30 feared deadutopian
    • it’s now up to 40 dead.Ramanisky2
    • @ram I just read that wow, but mate, the world is fine, its the fuckin people... ughhelloeatbreathedrive
    • I get you bro, it’s just seeing a portion of his stream and a portion of the video from São Paulo shooting yesterday is a bit overwhelming.Ramanisky2
    • 49 dead.Ramanisky2
    • do not watch it. because that is why he recorded it.d_gitale
  • autoflavour1

    Who the fuck livestreams shooting killing 49 people..
    Fucked in the head right wing Australians.. that who.

    My heart breaks for New Zealand

    • #MAGA Extremism Wordwideutopian
    • i suppose it could have been worse - he could have streamed it using a cock camhans_glib
    • uh oh, did hans just invoke Rule #34?Nairn
    • He called President Trump “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose,” but mocked him as “a policy maker and leader.”allthethings
    • they should have killed him not arrest himpockets
    • your post would have been much better without the screenshotd_gitale
    • do not watch it. because that is why he recorded it.d_gitale
  • PhanLo0


    • unrealFax_Benson
    • is this real? that's seriously fucked up.inteliboy
    • Yep it's real…PhanLo
    • Fucking nazi.maquito
    • Unfortunately there's a bunch who believe what he said, even in here. As a muslim when I denounce these claims, they say that I'm not a real muslim.Beeswax
    • horrific. nothing more to say.fadein11
    • So basically it's saying that this is what Muslims can expect in Australia if they decide to move there. So fucked.monospaced
    • New Zealand, I mean (obviously). My bad.monospaced
    • Wtf is this shitSalarrue
    • NZ has a very odd electoral system. this guy won his seat with only 19 votes. he's a wing nutGnash
    • I really don’t think most NZ’ers (and likely Aussies) think this way. NZ is constantly being filled up with “immigrants” for year. Muslim, Christian or otherhardhat
    • ffs, this can't be real.renderedred
    • holy fuckCalderone2000
    • Frazer Anning is nothing to do with NZ, he's a senator in Queensland, Australia.
      And an interstellar bellend with way too many sympathisers.
    • mono, you were right on your first go. this is an australian nutbar.ben_
  • Calderone20005

    It's sad to see this thread already has 117 pages

  • lowimpakt0

    Senator Fraser Anning that wrote that that letter below received 19 1st preference votes in the 2016 federal election.

    He only became a senator because the person next up in is party had his nomination cancelled because he is actually a british citizen

  • Ramanisky23

    • That youtube channel is an Australian Nationalist channel.thumb_screws
    • Waleed is on point. Just dont want to to see fascist arseholes getting more exposure by having this vid on their channel.thumb_screws
  • utopian2

    Trump tweets link to Islamophobic website amid Christchurch terror attack

    #MAGA Country

  • d_gitale2

    recording / livestreaming his atrocities is the ultimate purpose of his actions. The killing itself is like a vehicle to reach his goal. Everyone who hosts or posts his video or a link to it, and even those who are 'just' watching it, become complicit in this mass murder. I know it is human (or rather ape) nature, to watch these horrors in the safety of your own home. But everyone should realize that by doing so, they help this sick individual in reaching his goal.

    • Second only to being soulless and rotten.BonSeff
    • complicit? that's quite the stretch. live in expectation much?imbecile
    • complicit as in helping to reach his goal.d_gitale
    • In addition, watching these kind of movies, not just this case, is disrespectful to the victims. I understand the fascination of horror, but everyone should tryd_gitale
    • to resist the urge to watch this. A persons death is probably the most personal private moment, similar to birth. it should remain private.d_gitale
    • why did he record it ? for people to watch it. Everyone who does is fulfilling the wish and desire of this disgusting individual.d_gitale
    • he did not only kill these people out of hatred. he killed them to create a shocking video. if you watch it, he gets what he wants.d_gitale
    • @imbecile - what do you mean by 'live in expectation much?' I do not understandd_gitale
    • you obviously have your own beliefs. I'll leave you to themimbecile
    • you can call it belief, but what other reasons are there for recording it ? so why do you think he did that ?d_gitale
    • also, you still have not explained what 'expectations' you mean. ?d_gitale
  • Ramanisky20

    You may read this and think Trump ...
    but you’d be wrong.

    • last sentence is from the hungarian prime minister, he just said that yesterdaysted
    • This sounds just like every other fascist white leader of the past 100 years.utopian
    • there is some truth in the observation and not confronting it because it's racist or fascist is no excuse, there is evidence, there is a reality...shapesalad
    • ..and not allowing discourse because it appears racists/culturalist... is not good. At the moment the only comments come from far right, which is a problemshapesalad
    • What they found in the UK, it wasn't the first wave of immigrants who broke the laws, but the 2nd &:3rd generations that felt alienated and turned more t crime.robotron3k
    • But govt forced immigration is a big experiment that countries like Japan, China want nothing to do with it, does that make these countries racist or smart?robotron3k
    • the problems with Muslim killers, killing Muslims are exclusively related to Muslim killersPeterPancake
    • There is something different about this shooting, as there is less sympathy for these victims, way less.robotron3k
    • it makes them different to the country you live in, which was built on immigration.Fax_Benson
    • re Japan and ChinaFax_Benson
    • robo-logik™fadein11
  • Ramanisky24

    • Who dis? Story?NBQ00
    • kid is fearless and the hero we need!BonSeff
    • guy is an ozzie senator and a fascist fucker talked about the shooting then he gave some interviews when that kid rewarded him with an egg :)sted
    • brave kid, stood firm accepted the consequences :) here is a better view of what happened:…sted
    • take that gammon, bosh. good lad.fadein11
    • @sted LOL at YouTube comments!Krassy
    • haha accept the kid only cared about a short 15 min of fame. probably didnt stand for anything. reminds me of the punk janitorsdeathboy
    • because they cant do shit. except this new system allows all kinds of rewarding for behaviors.deathboy
    • and i meant fuck with janitors, knowing they cant do shit. remove consequences you get bad behavior dog 101deathboy
    • he donated 70k to the Christchurch mosque shooting victims.
  • Ramanisky22

    Just flashing the Everything is A-OK sign, am I rite???

    • Just trolling libs for the lolzmonospaced
    • He's sn environmentalist, white supremacists, inspired by Candace Owen
      (A black woman!!!) to do a gun massacre and rile the left in the USA.
    • The fact this guy lived is going to create copy cats.robotron3k
    • And I don't mean more "right-wing" copycats, more like those seeking revenge on apostates and it's gonna be bad.robotron3k
    • omfg robo do you really believe this shit you spew?monospaced
    • Why are you so naive mono, I thought you said you aren't Canadian??? "Eye for an eye" is Sharia law. Look it up.robotron3k
    • maybe u should make a couple of more exlamation marks after -black woman- other wise your message seems so weak.neverscared
    • Actually after reading a bit, I actually think the shooter was Trolling Candice Owen, so it looks like more BS...robotron3k
    • Interestingly, the press barely mentioned the massacre in New York...robotron3k
    • I’d love to smash those fingers with a hammer before cutting them off with some pruning shears before shoving them up his ass.rattail
    • What does sharia law have to do with this? Your connecting of that or another woman or crime are total nonsense.monospaced
    • in robotard world 2 billion muslims are extemists, silly likkle bigoted cunt.fadein11
    • robo once quoted Fox News on their 'most of the UK is a Sharia no go zone' story lol. utter tool. get back to the gym insecure boy.fadein11
    • I seriously can’t imagine how anyone could figure out a way to blame a black woman for what he did except for extreme mental retardation.monospaced
    • never try to reason with the robotardfadein11
    • is he postin out of arkham asylum?neverscared
  • neverscared4

    Abdul Aziz hailed a hero for using a credit card scanning machine and the gunman’s spent weapon as he confronted the attacker…

  • NBQ000

    The NZ shooter was traveling the world all the years before and even went to Pakistan. Calling it a beautiful place full of nice people.

    So how did he suddenly change his mind so quick to hate muslims?

    • Radicalised by memes?PhanLo
    • People have mental problems, develop mental problems, have psychological problems, shit happens.shapesalad
    • Billion so of people, all different shapes, health, sizes, colours... the variations we see are also inside, the brain is vast complex network,shapesalad
    • there are bound to be a few people out there, seemly normal but with a variation that means in the right environment with the right tools, bad shit happens.shapesalad
    • I have a nephew who got really into right wing conspiracy theories then went off the deep end. He was really into Astronomy but now doesn't believe we've been..PhanLo
    • space at all. Believes it's all a hoax. He lives in a Scottish housing estate but thinks Texas is the ultimate place to live. Quit his studies to become..PhanLo
    • ..a joiner. Funny he wants to move to texas, because he has a panic attack going into town on his own. Blames everything on immigrants and secret societies...PhanLo
    • ...obviously he blames the Jews for some stuff too. I've known people who've joined religious cults and he talks like them.
      i suppose it's comforting.
    • #MAGA Nation...One nation under Trump, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.utopian
    • Going on holidays doesn't automatically make you a good humanlowimpakt
    • Some people develop an obsession on a certain topic just by watching things online. And they stick to it and it become their main thing 24/7Bennn
    • Ironically you could draw a lot of parallels between a guy like this and someone who gets radicalized online and goes and joins ISIS. Probably the exact sameyuekit
    • psychological process.yuekit
    • +1 yuekitPhanLo
    • exactlyBennn
    • its the same exact thingBennn
  • stewart1

    The Netherlands
    Several injured in Utrecht tram shooting (at least one dead)

    Police say shooting may have ‘terrorist motive’ as emergency services rush to scene…

    • and we're back at this. When they say 'violence leads to violence' ...Bennn
    • co-ordinated thru the dark web?hans_glib
    • Qiṣāṣ (Arabic: قصاص ) is an Islamic term meaning "retaliation in kind", "eye for an eye", "nemesis" or retributive justice.robotron3k
    • it isn't islamic, it's present in christian and jewish scriptures before. you even translated it yourself.
      look up ''ahmaq' if you are at it.
    • The shooting of NZ is available easily on the web, this will contribute to radicalize and piss off many Muslims. It goes both ways. It will never end.Bennn
    • We're in this since 2001, 18 years my friends.Bennn
    • I'm more of a kafir type of guy... Is that ok with you uan?robotron3k
    • I suffer from insomnia toouan
    • lol
  • set-1…

    Limbaugh Floats "False Flag" Theory NZ Shooter Is "Leftist" Who Staged Attack To Frame Conservatives

    Following Thursday's deadly terror attacks on two New Zealand mosques, which left 49 people dead, radio host Rush Limbaugh mentioned an "ongoing theory" that the shooter - identified by Australian media as 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant, is actually a "leftist who writes the manifesto and then goes out and performs the deed purposely to smear his political enemies."

    • Pretty sure it's a double false flag. I.E. it's a (R)wing nut falseflagging(ffaggi... as a (L)wing nut ffaging a (R)wing nut. Classic DFfag.PeterPancake
  • set-1

    by Brendon O'Connell

    The guy was clearly trained. No if's, no buts. He was cool as a cucumber. He has done this before. The way he would reload - step back in the narrow hallway so there was less chance of being jumped as he reloaded.

    He is totally confident.

    The video is very disturbing, especially the young Muslim woman on the ground in front of the Mosque whimpering "Help me! Help me!" He blew the top of her head off.

    You do not handle an AR15, military-style semi-automatic assault rifle like that unless you have trained to clear jams and misfires in the efficient manner he displays. He darts back into cover, out of the expansive prayer hall into a narrow hallway to change magazines - this is not something you do naturally. This is military training. House clearing - to make it harder to be attacked while changing magazines.

    It is impossible to obtain an AR15 style assault rifle in Australia. Even a well connected organised crime figure would have trouble and you would immediately risk being on the "police radar" if you tried. So where did he train in their operation, tactics and handling? He was not long in New Zealand. He cannot buy firearms in New Zealand as an Australian citizen. Who brought them for him? Who supplied them? It is legal to own the AR15 he used and semi-automatic shotguns with the appropriate hunting licenses. Some claim his AR15 magazines were illegal 30 round.

    In the dock, he looks 5ft 4inches. Muscular. He looks special forces - small and powerful. How they like them. Traveled extensively. Especially in Europe. Claimed he was a simple working class lad - made his money investing in crypto, ie: he's a drug dealer. Absolutely he is. I knew a guy who worked security in Palestine when Arafat had casinos. He had no military training. He learned on the job. That's where I think that guy has come from. They claim he was in Pakistan, who knows. I just know what I saw in that video.

    He espouses a multitude of this-and-that politics claiming communist then anarchist, then libertarian and now he is not sure BUT he mentioned Mao and he draws from Julius Evola and "Sacred Tradition" which was Hitler's favourite book and Steve Bannon's too. Even though drawing from pure National Socialist water wells, the word "Jew" or "Jewish" never leaves his lips.

    He was playing Serbian Chetnik folk music at one stage which the Chechens would play as they fought the Croatian fascists.

    What a grab bag. I smell Bi Bi Henry. Who benefits? BiBi is about to make his own shooting video in Syria.

    Wag The Dog:
    "Change the story, change the lead, it's not a new concept."

    • Interesting and extraordinary claim. Now back it with evidence.wagshaft
    • ummm but it's an opinion piece. Something worthy of taking in to consideration, not something to be used in court.set
    • Is the user base here so lacking in intelligence that I'm going to have to preface all my posts with...set
    • "Attention dummies. I do not 100% believe everything I share, I'm simply sharing because it's something worth, at the very least, having a look at."set
    • https://www.brainyqu…set
    • Aristotle would have shat his pants in disappointment had he ever had to engage with the qbn user baseset
    • saying it's an extraordinary claim but doesn't seem to be backed up by any evidence is about the only response you can have in the short term, no?Fax_Benson
    • Well no, because it's the classic 'I'll forget this even entered my sphere of consciousness unless it's backed up with evidence'set
    • Which frankly is not what QBN is about, at least for me anyway. This isn't a court of law, this is a discussion.set
    • back what with evidence? is this not based on video evidence and personal experience already?monospaced
    • I find it fascinating that in the same link where this came from, the very next post is claiming the whole video is a fake computer simulationmonospaced
    • he's saying it's a fact. no ifs no buts. I'm not sure you wanted a discussion. I think you were waiting for a chance to point out how basic our thinking isFax_Benson
    • not everyone has your alt news background. People won't have been thinking about false flags. You just dropped it and waited for the first response to attackFax_Benson
    • set is just sharing someone else's opinion that he feel is worth consideringmonospaced
    • I didn't watch the video — I never will — but if this take on it is accurate, this "opinion" is worth considering.monospaced
    • @fax who's saying what's a fact????!!!!set
    • Certainly not me, for even a second. I even, reluctantly was forced in to making a statement to ensure that people like you...set
    • ... knew that I DIDN'T think this was fact simply because I shared it. I haven't engaged in any of this here for a long time, now I remember why.set
    • Thank you for being the voice of reason, mono.set
    • O'Connell is.Fax_Benson
    • Right, O'Connell is, not set. That's why he is opening it up for discussion, not presenting it as gospel.monospaced
    • Yeah, it's been a while - hope you've been OK. You did drop this out of nowhere and jump down the throat of the first person who commented.Fax_Benson
    • it's like you want us to disappoint you.Fax_Benson
    • The only thing o’connel Is presenting as fact is that the guy was trained. The rest seems pretty clearly offered as an opinion informed by his experience.Gnash
    • Before we get our undies in a twist... i think this guy is making claims without evidence. Typical conspiracy shit that becomes a broader narrative.wagshaft
    • Waste of breath. But Set, thank you for sharing! :)wagshaft
    • Interesting link...robotron3k
    • your kinda guyFax_Benson
    • @wagshaft, wouldn't you consider the video live stream itself evidence?monospaced
  • set-2

    The main lesson here is that it's an atrocity if a Muslim individual is killed after they immigrate.

    But an American soldier, using drones, can do the same thing to a funeral or wedding party in an Arab country and we won't usually even know about it.

    Or, the U.S (and Canada) can supply Saudi Arabia with arms to slaughter Yemenis by the hundreds of thousands and that's accepted.

    So, if you are a Muslim, morality morphs based on geography.

    120 Christians were killed just the other week by Muslim militants, for example.…

    • good point but a bit simplistic. I don't think these things are just 'accepted' even if they are an outrage.Fax_Benson
    • rightly or wrongly there will always be a focus on events that happen in western countriesFax_Benson
    • if breitbart really gave a shit about African Christians it might have thought to mention the massive cyclone devastation in MozambiqueFax_Benson
    • highlighting selective reporting by reporting selectively.Fax_Benson
    • Who gives one fuck about breitbart, or any other news source's hypocrisy, the very valid point still stands.set
    • "I" give a shit about the source of your info. Some sources are so shitty i don't even want to touch your link with my mouse's cursor.pr2
    • The source is utterly irrelevant in this case, when the facts are what we are talking abo. All you've done is broadcast your idiocracy. At least now I know, ta.set
    • You do realise that what happened in Nigeria is a fact. A reality. 100% truth, don't you? You do, yes? So why then are you even mentioning the source here?set
    • Terrorism happens daily here's a running total https://en.m.wikiped…robotron3k
    • Is it because you lack the intelligence and eloquence to actually discuss the point at hand?set
    • There are 167 McDonald's restaurants in NZ(1), 0 in Nigeria(2).PeterPancake
    • 1.…PeterPancake
    • 2. https://en.wikipedia…PeterPancake
    • this is eye opening, thank youmonospaced
  • elahon1

    Good fucking lord.

    "Father shot 14-month-old son in Presque Isle murder-suicide Matthew Leavitt, 35, shot his son, Quinten Leavitt, and then killed himself, state police say."…

    • what a dick.dbloc
    • We could even say that this guy was a real jerk.deadsperm