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  • 65 Responses
  • ukit20

    • Can't wait! Their doing a "killing cancer" special in a week or two as a season opener...ideaist
  • instrmntl0

    All This Mayhem

    • great filmJG_LB
    • this looks good, even though i've never skatedMilan
  • hotroddy0

    The journalism on this show is so half assed. They pretend to go to places other journalists don't but they definitely don't do a thorough job.

    Vice did a show on situation on Venezuela. They got the name of one of the principal politicians amongst other details. I was poorly done.

  • nb0

    Yeah, I don't know how anyone could apply the term "journalism" to what Vice does.

  • mg330

    This weekend's episode on climate change and the effects on ice in Antarctica should be required viewing for anyone who dispute what is happening there.

    Just last weekend, talking to my father in law, I heard the claim "they have more ice there than ever before!" We don't really see eye-to-eye on politics, but I've since learned that his statement is what most climate change deniers say to disprove that anything is melting there.

    In fact, the land ice is melting at a rapid rate, and it is what impacts ocean level rise the most. The sea ice is caused, obviously, by water already in the ocean that freezes.

    A great episode. I want to somehow record it and let my father in law see it. The tangible, on the ground proof of what's happening is impossible to ignore.

    • Anyone who disputes the effects of climate change is either an idiot or a politician or an advert for an oil company.nb
    • The funny thing about oil companies is that they've been funding two sets of research for decades...nb
    • ... the 1st is research that disputes climate change, making their case for extraction. The 2nd is how to profit from climate change.nb
    • ...change.nb
    • yup they get paid off
    • But my father in law says that people also get paid off to say it's real.mg33
    • There's no evidence of anyone being "paid-off" to confirm climate change. There is a wide literature showing oil companies to be doing double research.nb
    • ...have been doing double-research.nb
    • You mean Dr Wei-Hock "Willie" Soon who got paid off?2002
    • koch brothers2002
    • Huh? No, I said no one has been paid off to argue on the side of accepted climate science.nb
    • You don't need to bribe a scientist to get them to tell the truth!nb
    • "You don't need to bribe a scientist to get them to tell the truth!" Ha - I'm going to tell him this next time we talk about it.mg33
    • temp rising on mars also. What are you going to do about it? buy solar panels made by factory using coal from electric?yurimon
    • news flash! climate changes all the time. climate is a cycle.yurimon