QBN+ Challenge 11

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  • 126 Responses
  • Dancer0

    last night my sportband did not pick up my sensor.
    Does this mean I need a new sensor?
    I got no warning though.

    • I got a warning on the ipod, not sure how it works on the sportsbandMeeklo
  • erikjonsson0

    how does it work? i feel pain all the fucking time. I had to cut down from running 5 times a week to about 3. Pain moves around too its driving me crazy :D

    • so you had tendinitis in the past?
      I'm curious too know if its true that it never goes away, that's sucks
    • I had it a couple of years ago. I'm all good now. I recommend using a heat pack before you run and a ice pack afterwards. Always stretch out and swimming is great to rebuild strength.jurassica
  • Meeklo0

    Ok, I haven't been running since June, because of tendinitis.
    I think I might be able to join on this one, but I gotta start slow, so probably my first couple of runs shouldn't be over 2k

    I will be doing all these too:

    Now, my brother in law, tells me he has tendinitis, and it never went away 100%, that once you get it, you will have to deal with it for the rest of your life, is this true?

    anyone here has completely recovered from it and never felt pain again? just wondering.

    • I would see a physical therapist or an accupressurist. That helped me a lot. It can go away if treated prperly.flutter
  • PonyBoy0

    k... so I was a cock the last thread you posted on this... what was that... a month ago?...

    ... I have a shotty heart-condition... my running days are done until I get surgery... but I want to be part...

    ... what can I do besides run? fuck running :) running is GAY. (not that there's anything wrong with that)

  • erikjonsson0

    Awesome. Its on again

  • VectorMasked0

    Well that was a lot of work.

    Respect to Meeklo for doing this stuff 9 times!


    For those interested...... there's some challenge on the nike site which is in preparation to the Human Race. There's so far about 15,000 runners doing miles and getting ready for the main day.

    • respect to you for keeping it up!Meeklo
    • thanks for setting this up vector! I will have to beat you this time though. :Pflutter
  • VectorMasked

    We got challenges this time coz of the Human race. Read carefully so you don't miss any of the 4 challenges!

    Starts Monday Sept 21st
    Most Miles/Kms in 30 days wins.

    → Singles Mode:
    Everyone against everyone, no mercy.

    Sign up here:

    Current Winner: dancer!!

    → Team Mode:
    Singles VS Slaves, pick a side and race.

    Sign up here:

    →→→→→→→→ HUMAN RACE: (JOIN BOTH!) Don't forget! You can run this 10km race anywhere in the world. Could be at the gym, park or at home. If you live in a major city (NY, London, Vancouver, Mexico City, Tokyo, LA, etc...) you might be able to join the actual Event and run with thousands of people. Check their site for more info.

    *** You have all day to do do your 10km race on October 24th. from 12:01 am to 11:59pm.

    QBN Human Race (this one is so that we QBNers, can track each other's 10km runs from the human race that takes place on Oct 24th)

    Sign up here: http://nikerunning.nike.com/nike…

    →→→→ OFFICIAL HUMAN RACE CHALLENGE (this is the main one.)

    Sign up here: http://inside.nike.com/blogs/nik…

    → How does this work?

    All levels of runners are welcome, first timers to
    handsome athletes like Vector as long as you work in the design field. If you are not as fast as the last winner (or Vector), you can still run on the team mode and contribute to the team, or try to beat your own time.

    Good luck everyone!